Big Day for Californians

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Governor Gumby is gone.

Bustamecha lost twice! (no on the recall, yes on Bustamecha).

Mcklintock was a good choice, too bad he lost.

Conan the barbarian he got it, lets see if he can fix it.

BTW I work for a indian casino and the tribe is sweating! Too bad the 500K they dropped on Bustamecha diden't help.

Cruz Butamonte belonged to the club "Mecha" while in college, hence "Bustamecha". I listen to way too much KFI 640 AM.

Well i voted yes for the recall and cast my ballot for arnold. I think it is good to see someone in office who isnt a career politician and cant be persuaded with money. I bet all the politicians are sweating it as they might have to actually show where all the spending is going. As far as indian gaming i also agree they need to pay their share in taxes just like everyone else instead of them giving large sums of money to people like bustamante to buy him off. Thats the good thing about arnold, he is already rich so you cant buy him off.

Hopefully now i can afford to renew my tags and hope my tax money doesnt go towards illegal aliens getting a driver license when they shouldnt be here in the first place. Hopefully arnold does like he says and shakes things up a bit. It should be interesting.
plsdiver4377 once bubbled...

The reasoning behind the EC does not apply in todays United States. The original reasoning of applying equal representation in the voting process was because of the travel distances required for voting, as well as the fact the urban areas would get more exposure to the candidates in question.

With the near instantaneous availability of news (candidates campaigns) through the media along with the near universal availability of voting stations (along with absentee ballots) makes the EC unnecessay. Not only that but many of the states require that if a candidate wins for example, 7 of 13 EC precincts then the entire state goes with 'majority' which effectively defines many of the 'popular' votes as meaningless.

Therefor do away with the EC and people can honestly say that the President was elected by the people for the people.

Actually, the EC was conceived to allow states with smaller populations a more significant voice. If not for the EC, the US would consist of far fewer states. I will again mention Alaska, since that is the state with which I have the most familiarity concerning this issue. I know other states share the opinion, but Alaska in particular has had multiple governors who have stated Alaska would secede if changes allowing for a pure popular vote were enacted. These governors have enjoyed increased popularity after these statements, and while I'm not entirely sure, I believe polls have shown overwhelming support for this position.

However, I do agree that if 7 million Floridians vote for a candidate, and 7.1 million vote for another, not all the electoral votes should go to one candidate. I personally think it should be a combination of popular vote plus state by state. Perhaps 95% popular vote and 5% states, so each state victory would amount to 0.1% of the tally. This sounds insignificant, but a 27 to 23 margin of victory would amount to about a million votes. Bush won 30 to 21 (D'oh, forgot DC!) in states and lost the popular vote by 500,000 or so votes. (Remember, it would be a 1 vote margin in a 200 person group!) By this alternate standard, he would have won handily.

Again, states entered the union expecting a certain level of representation. If that changes (in any way), all states should be given the opportunity to secede. I think several would, and I would be likely to move to one of those states if not already living there. The bottom line is a change to a pure popular vote won't happen, and think that is for the good. So staunch Republican and Democrat states will be largely ignored while "swing states" will be heavily courted each presidential election year.

Remember, people didn't join the US individually, states did.
zeN|| once bubbled...
That Bastod deserves to be thrown out of town for the car tax alone

Right there you, and everyone else that says "car tax" have proven that you don't know what you're talking about and have become the hand puppet of retarded political TV commercials.

Do your homework, it's not a tax, it's always been there. It's called a VLF, Vehicle License Fee. We have just been getting a rebate of 2/3. Look up AB2167 of 1998. It's written into the bill that the rebate would go away if the state needed money.

Man you hollywood sheep piss me off.
Norcal, let me start by first saying "Eat Me," second of all, while I am not a political scientist, the Governor-elect has pledged to reverse the car tax within the first 100 days, so however the legislation was written, Our Governor will be repealling it, the recalled incumbent could have vetoed it, I wont be paying $400 come next registration zeN|| =-)
We had a governor in VA run under the "no car tax" platform and guess what, he started knocking it back and then realized he couldn't get the money elsewhere and now it is back.

Where does the ever-intellectual Arnold plan to get the dough to cover the hole car tax will leave in the budget?

Way to go California...go eat some more avocados and bean sprouts.

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