zeN||- Norcaldiver mirrored exactly what I said previously, only he added the specific legislation, etc. I don't know that Arnold can repeal the return to full VLF himself or overturn that legislation.
Lal7176- after stealing their land, do we now go against the very treaties our government signed with the native tribes of our state? My understanding (and, admittedly, I could be wrong on this) is that the tribes, being sovereign nations, are not subject to such taxation. Much as we may need their money, I'm quite amused by the fact they have found a way to legally "steal" back from the culture that took their lands by force, took the very basis for their existence (the ecological systems on which they depended).
In addition, what about the large mandated spending created by the voters of our state through the initiative process. I think the voters, as angry as they are, should realize their role in creating this problem rather than simply blaming the politicians for everything. No single person got us into this fix.
For the sake of our state I do hope Arnold can bring our economy and state budget around. One thing I will be keeping an eye on (as I pack) is what happens to the State's lawsuit against Enron and the other Texas energy companies Bush and Arnold are reportedly tied in with. If that $8 billion lawsuit disappears, I will be very suspect of Arnold's real intentions.
Dr. Bill (an ecologist but not an economist)
Lal7176- after stealing their land, do we now go against the very treaties our government signed with the native tribes of our state? My understanding (and, admittedly, I could be wrong on this) is that the tribes, being sovereign nations, are not subject to such taxation. Much as we may need their money, I'm quite amused by the fact they have found a way to legally "steal" back from the culture that took their lands by force, took the very basis for their existence (the ecological systems on which they depended).
In addition, what about the large mandated spending created by the voters of our state through the initiative process. I think the voters, as angry as they are, should realize their role in creating this problem rather than simply blaming the politicians for everything. No single person got us into this fix.
For the sake of our state I do hope Arnold can bring our economy and state budget around. One thing I will be keeping an eye on (as I pack) is what happens to the State's lawsuit against Enron and the other Texas energy companies Bush and Arnold are reportedly tied in with. If that $8 billion lawsuit disappears, I will be very suspect of Arnold's real intentions.
Dr. Bill (an ecologist but not an economist)