YOU'RE OUTTA HERE! That Bastod deserves to be thrown out of town for the car tax alone, the only position he ever had was the one he thought would/will elect him, once again Californians are faced with an election where we vote AGAINST someone, because we really don't have real choices, but we can send a message that says we won't accept outrageous (car tax tripled overnite) taxation, and will not accept goverment by bribery (nor will we endorse a Lt. Gov who doesn't seem to know that he was elected by the U.S. of America, not Vincent Fox) -Arnold isn't qualified but at least he will shake things up, and that is worth going to the polls for zeN||
cc Our constitution outlines election policy, and the previous prez election was constitutional, presided over by the SC, if we did elect candidates by pop vote it would place all the power in urban centers i.e. the big cities, and rural constituents would be pawns on the chessboard