Big Day for Californians

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You realize that it's the electoral college that determines the presidency. It doesn't seem to bother democrats when the disparity between majority and E.C. tilts in their favor.
George, George, George of the Jungle...WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!


Big-t-2538 once bubbled...
Is there a wrtie in spot for someone like Martha Stewart?

Dick Cheney already took that spot as the V.P. Can you say 'big business', since Haliburton got the no bid contracts in Irag.;)
JAW has another president taken office with a minoirty of the popular vote?

I don't think so, because prior to Bush Jr. Kennedy's win was only by 20,000 popular votes. That was the closest in the last 150 years.

Everybody knows the EC elects the president but when the president loses the popular vote it kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth
Everyone should stop whining about the 2000 election. No one can ever really know the full popular vote because absentee ballots aren't counted in a state where their number is less than the margin of victory. The Electoral College was set up because the founding fathers never thought any single candidate would ever get enough votes. They also thought that the electoral delegates would have the ability to vote for the best candidate and not have their vote constrained -- being a delegate is little more than a warm body when the state dictates the way your vote must be cast.

mofosaurus once bubbled...
That would make two republican executive office holders that are elected by a minority of the voters :confused:

I'm assuming you are referring to the presidential election where a very minimal majority voted for Gore, yet the electoral voting system gave Bush the election?

THis was enacted so smaller, less populated states would have a voice. It was in force when states signed on, and if that changed, Alaska among others would secede so fast you wouldn't be able to say "Wait! We want to control your oil fields!" before they had voted in a landslide to secede! I think it would require military intervention for several states, particularly Alaska, to be forced to remain a state. I really don't think it would come to that. Failing an issue like slavery, the requisite constitutional amendment would be defeated, repealed, or enacted by the remaining states in the suddenly smaller United States.

I think you would then find that many of the seceding states would have a large increase in population. (I would be very likely to move to a seceding state if such were to happen. I don't think California should have 54 times the voice in electing a president as Alaska. As it is, California still has 17 times the voice of Alaska.)
mofosaurus once bubbled...

As for the continual Clinton slams, there's a big difference between consensual oral sex (which is not going all the way) with non-consensual groping and lewd remarks

There is also a big difference between alleged harrassment and proven, admitted felonies committed while in office! (Check on it: perjury is a felony!) Consensual sex with Lewinsky maybe, but remember that the controversy got heated when he refused to give a deposition concerning a suit for sexual harrassment brought by Paula Jones. After the Supreme Court defied his instructions on law and required him to testify, he decided to subvert their directives and lie, thus depriving Paula Jones of her civil rights as defined by the Supreme Court.

Again, the Clinton "slams" came not from the consensual sex (or sexual relations, if you prefer), but from the felonious dishonesty associated with it, as well as the allegations (those against Schwarzennegger are thus far unproven) of sexual harrassment. Hey, if Schwarzenegger commits a felony - such as, say, perjury? - while in office, I will be all for a recall or an impeachment!
You do realize that all this sexual crap pales in comparison to the thousands we are murdering worldwide under the reign of the "Dumb Butcher", right?

Just is not as big a deal as killing (repeat 12 times)..

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