Big Day for Californians

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I intend to vote NO on the recall. I did not vote for Davis in the last election, and dislike the negativity of his campaigns. However, I don't feel he is personally responsible for all of our current troubles.

Arnold's "environmental" position (disband California's environmental protection agency and depend on the federal EPA... yeah, right) would be enough for me not to vote for him. His "handling" of women would certainly be another. His unwillingness to actually answer direct questions on proposed policies with truly meaningful instead of evasive answers, and his unwillingness to participate in more debates, gave me no real feel for what he would do. I can't vote for someone who won't tell me his intentions.

However, what really concerns me is the unresolved issues of the May, 2001, meeting he had with Ken Lay (of Enron) and others. IF there is any truth to the speculation that Arnold was involved in that meeting because Republican backers wanted to promote his candidacy as a way to eliminate the $8 billion California lawsuit against Enron and other Texas energy companies, he should be a dead duck in my opinion.

I felt Camejo and McClintock were the winners in the debates I watched. I was quite surprised at my positive reaction to McClintock, which I think was in response to his command of the issues and his real proposals. However, I would disagree with most of his positions and therefore couldn't vote for him even though he won some respect.

IF Arnold becomes our next governor, what are the politics like in Hawaii? I may finally move out of state, although I threatened to move out of country when George H. W. and George W. were elected.

Dr. Bill

PS: Arnold's campaign slogan appears to be "ERECT ME" rather than "ELECT ME." Poor Maria (but then he won her over by saying she had a "nice ass" as she reported on the Today Show I believe).
I threatened to move out of country when George H. W. and George W. were elected.
Technically, George W. wasn't elected...he bought/stole the election. We have a man sitting in the White House that is not the man that the majority of Americans voted for..
drbill once bubbled...
PS: Arnold's campaign slogan appears to be "ERECT ME" rather than "ELECT ME." Poor Maria (but then he won her over by saying she had a "nice ass" as she reported on the Today Show I believe).

I find it mildly amusing that Arnold is the lone Republican in a family of nothing but Liberal Democrats....LOL :D

P.S. -- I'm a Liberal Democrat, as well ;)
O-ring once bubbled...

Technically, George W. wasn't elected...he bought/stole the election. We have a man sitting in the White House that is not the man that the majority of Americans voted for..

He was duly elected (I'm sorry to say) by none other than the Electoral College which negates the whole premise of 'one person one vote'. The really sad part is that many of our fellow Americans are still believing the swill he keeps dolling out (because he is the 'moral' president). The lies he has told or implied have been much worse than 'I did not have sex with that woman...'.

Hopefully people will realize he is as dumb as he appeared while waving at Stevie Wonder :D, and get rid of him before he can do anything else as damaging as his recent actions.
Is there a wrtie in spot for someone like Martha Stewart?
Although the turn out prediction was high, I did not see any people in line other than myself and one other guy who was trying to register to vote for the first time this morning at the polling station.

Todays recall election is probably just the start of the electoral fireworks in California. If the Republican party succeeds in capturing this election, there will probably be a back-to-back recall of the new governor-elect by the Democrat party. And then you would see the heavy hitting Democrats weigh in during the second recall. This is nasty, cut-throat party politics at its worst.

Todays election probably will not settle anything. Unless Gray Davis squeezes by, by the hair on his chinny chin chin. It does not seem like Busta-Casino-monte can beat Conan.
The recall on Davis is based on the disinformation (AKA lies) concerning the CA fiscal condition before the last election round.

He lied through his teeth, and KNEW he was lying through his teeth, to keep his job. He and his buddies in the legislature set up the "we've already hocked everything possible and we're still out of money" condition CA finds its self in now.

Disregarding polictical parties ANY politician doing the above needs to be recalled on ethical grounds, then hung.

The route to the solution is the same as for any other government unit or corporation:

1. Fire all empire builders. They do not have the organization's best long term interests in mind. If a man wants an empire HE should pay for it, not the taxpayers or stockholders.

2. Define all income sources, excluding borrowing, then subtract 10% for budgetary cushion. The result is the budget cap.

3. Eliminate/consolidate duplicative efforts.

4. List all expenses in order of priority keeping a running total of the expenses.

5. Where the total crosses the line defined in step 2 draw a line in the expense list. Anything below the line does not get funded.

Arguments can be made about what falls above and below the line, but the total expense output still has to be less than the budget cap.

George W stole the election? Not according to the courts. Please... Get over that pregnant chad B$.

Re:Issa and Davis
Many Californians were fed up with Davis' pass the buck platform long before Issa hit the scene.
JustAddWater once bubbled...
George W stole the election? Not according to the courts. Please... Get over that pregnant chad B$. Many Californians were fed up with Davis' pass the buck platform long before Issa hit the scene.
Why do you think most Americans (most = majority) call him the Commander in Thief?

He's an idiot...probably the biggest one in history to reside in the White House.
Too bad George W. never knew what it meant to live within one's means. Trust fund babies rarely do. Nice product Yale :dork:

It is a FACT though that more people voted Gore than for Bush. You may not like it but its true.

What California really needs to do is to raise property taxes but you can't say or do that while at the same time other propositions have mandated 40% of the expenditures.

That gives VERY little wiggle room to build a budget.

The trouble with Californians is they don't want to pay taxes but still want government services.

The only thing left is to lower discretionary spending or raising other taxes but even this is BS

raise tax = increase car registration

decrease spending = dismantle the CA EPA

Both are bad ideas

Not until a politician has the courage to confront Prop 13 will we have a truly honest politician

Arnold just strikes me as a glory hungered ego maniac who is not a very nice person. But this has been known throughout the entertainment industry for years.

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