Big Day for Californians

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drbill once bubbled...

Lal7176- after stealing their land, do we now go against the very treaties our government signed with the native tribes of our state? My understanding (and, admittedly, I could be wrong on this) is that the tribes, being sovereign nations, are not subject to such taxation. Much as we may need their money, I'm quite amused by the fact they have found a way to legally "steal" back from the culture that took their lands by force, took the very basis for their existence (the ecological systems on which they depended).

Indian tribes are no longer poor. If they can afford to fork out all kinds of money to give bustamante to basically buy him off they can pay taxes just like everyone else. Blacks were brought here against their will and used as slaves but yet they pay taxes. This is all stuff that happened many years ago and people need to get over it and move on and not dwell on it.

As it is californians pay the highest taxes. We get taxed to death on everything. Personally im sick of it. Hopefully arnold will audit all the books and get rid of some of the excess spending. I would be willing to bet there is plenty of it going on. I think everyone is tired of these career politicians that can be bought off.

I am also crossing my fingers that we coninue to receive our car tax discount and that it doesnt go back up.

As far as you o-ring, go stuff one of those 104's where the sun doesn't shine, who knows you may like it. :D
Thinking about it, maybe that's a bad idea.

It will drive the untrained and unqualified to Nitrox. On the plus side, the O2 cleaning industry will see a resurgance. People will be lining up around the block at LDS' for O2 cleanings (think '79 gas stations...)

On the other hand, it may also cause an un-forecasted rise in home brewing. Home airfill stations of questionable design will be on the rise, as people begin filling cylinders with all manner of rot-gut air to avoid what they percieve as unfair taxation.

Santa Monica bay will be awash with dive boats with DM's, Instructors and AOW students on deck in wetsuits and in three-cornered hoods tossing Al 80's into the water in protest.

Of course, the burden on the already over-burdned county and state healthcare facilities will be streched to the near breaking point as victims of gas station fill stations, home brew and pep-boys back-alley air fills fill their lobbies as tired, half-crazed triage nurses and doctors pull the sheets over the multitude of bad-air deaths (and I'm talking smog here...)

Maybe its not a good idea.

Mo2vation once bubbled...
Thinking about it, maybe that's a bad idea.

Of course, the burden on the already over-burdned county and state healthcare facilities will be streched to the near breaking point as victims of gas station fill stations, home brew and pep-boys back-alley air fills fill their lobbies as tired, half-crazed triage nurses and doctors pull the sheets over the multitude of bad-air deaths (and I'm talking smog here...)

Maybe its not a good idea.


Or... maybe it's a great idea! THink about it. All the people who rushed out there to crowd the desert even more, and they refuse to pay the exorbitant taxes required to conserve the limited resources available. I say let 'em die and the leftovers will be more in balance with the natural resources! :egrin:

In seriousness, I would have to say if you can't afford to live there, move away. I certainly have no plans to ever live there, even though I hate smoking and would love to legally split lanes on a motorcycle. It's just not worth the cost hassle that has been apparent for decades.
Actually, what scares the carp out of me most of all...

Larry Flynt - 15,454 - 7th Place
Gary Coleman - 12,683 - 8th Place
Mary 'Mary Carey' Cook - 10,110 - 10th Place
Leo Gallagher - 4,862 - 16th Place
Issa-he got 400+ votes and he had withdrawn...along with Huffington(i think) and she got 42,000+ votes.

And this George B. Schwartzman guy-10,000 votes. How many illiterate people saw that name and thought Schwatz-a-ma-nogger...that must be the terminator guy....

All in all 282,508 people threw their votes away.
He drives Hummers...makes him evil.

Hilary and husband both drive Limo's and SUV's. Much worse or equal to a Hummer.

If I thought I could get some money out of Arnold or get some press I would say he said something rude to me or touch me too. If 20 other people said it before me, I would feel even more likely to say something like that.

Clinton was getting "consensual oral relief" while in the Oval Office, guess he was the role model for family values...

Just got back from Iraq myself, I really don't understand where some people get thier numerical data concerning "slaughters" and the "holocausts". It always seem that people that never showed up to serve always know everything about the military. I find it to be quite interesting, really.

Hmm...there is nothing like the recycling of RHETORIC.

I have lost respect for some of you.
lal7176- How does the fact that (some) Indian tribes are no longer poor lead to negating the treaties we signed with them when WE made them poor by taking away their resource base? Doesn't make logical sense to me.

As for taxes, I must admit I was impressed to see the percentage of his income Arnold paid in taxes. Good thing we didn't sign a treaty with him.

How much of the tax we pay was due to voter initiatives? How much of the tax we pay was due to the legislature? And how much was due to the governor? I don't believe the governor has much authority to initiate new taxes (could be wrong though), although he can use his veto power. The VLF was merely increased to its "normal" level as mandated by the legislature. Don't interpret this to mean I support Gray Davis- I just think we all need to see where the blame really lies... in part with us voters

Dr. Bill
O-ring once bubbled...

Technically, George W. wasn't elected...he bought/stole the election. We have a man sitting in the White House that is not the man that the majority of Americans voted for..

We may both think he's an idiot, and we may disagree with his policies, but no one can say that he stole the election.

Any way you slice it, the electoral system is built specifically so popular vote means absolutely nothing. He won the majority of the states and got more electoral college votes than Gore. Every recount of the Florida votes that I've seen has Bush handily winning. I know someone else has covered this, but it bears repeating.

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