And a steel double hook pick for the Mk10.
Mandatory for the Mk10, no matter what anybody else tells you, yet the tool is almost unknown outside the United States.
Scubatools 10-102-400 $3.00 $20, but closer to you.
Unbelievably, it's not carried by Scuba Service Tools in Europe.
Or make one yourself from a thin straight steel pick:
1) clamp the pick pointing straight up in a vise, with 6-8mm showing
2) with a tiny hammer and a 3-4mm metal rod, hammer the straight section around the rod into a half circle
3) pull the pick up another 2mm and hammer the half circle at right angles to the curve.
Mandatory for the Mk10, no matter what anybody else tells you, yet the tool is almost unknown outside the United States.
Scubatools 10-102-400 $3.00 $20, but closer to you.
Unbelievably, it's not carried by Scuba Service Tools in Europe.
Or make one yourself from a thin straight steel pick:
1) clamp the pick pointing straight up in a vise, with 6-8mm showing
2) with a tiny hammer and a 3-4mm metal rod, hammer the straight section around the rod into a half circle
3) pull the pick up another 2mm and hammer the half circle at right angles to the curve.