As per the title. What is the best first stage from your experience? Both in cold and warm water, sealed and not sealed, piston or diaphragm, number of ports, swivel vs non-swivel and etc..
I'm currently looking to replace my old first stage with a newer one and I'm trying to decide on which one to purchase. I mainly dive in FL so warm water is my main diving but I'm military so I have the potential to be stationed in the northern states so cold waters could be in my future too. I also like how some first stages don't swivel. My current first stage swivels and I'm not sure I like the first stage swiveling around as one hose pulls more than the other sometimes.
So my bottom line is what first stage do you use and why do you like it?
I'm currently looking to replace my old first stage with a newer one and I'm trying to decide on which one to purchase. I mainly dive in FL so warm water is my main diving but I'm military so I have the potential to be stationed in the northern states so cold waters could be in my future too. I also like how some first stages don't swivel. My current first stage swivels and I'm not sure I like the first stage swiveling around as one hose pulls more than the other sometimes.
So my bottom line is what first stage do you use and why do you like it?