Best dive log software

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........I have tried all of the 'free' or trial software, and as a person who uses iPhone, iPad, pc and Mac, I am Disappointed with all of the software out there......
Did you try divePAL? PC and iPad versions are already available. Mac, iPhone and Droid versions are on the way.

........When I was out on the dive site the other day, I took a gps position of the site for my reference .......When I got back and sync'ed with the pc, and sync'ed with the I devices, it didn't share sites......
Not only divePAL is perfectly synchronizing all supported features - including GPS coordinates - among different platforms, but is the only dive log software that supports storing dive logs in 3D.

Alberto (aka eDiver)
Thank you! I will try it later tonight when I am home. Any chance we will be able to download direct to the iPad using the camera adapter (USB to iPad)?
I was told by Greg that you cannot connect any hardware directly to the iPad. It requires an Apple certified hardware adapter to connect a dive computer. The camera connection kit is not suitable for that. So this is more a hardware problem than a software problem. Until someone build a generic computer connector and certifies it at Apple, it won't be possible.
Good luck with that :) It would be a great function to have since I usually bring my iPad on vacation. I can understand that it may not be feasible due to apples approval process. I bet it could be done on a jailbroken iPad, but that would probably make apple pull the app from the app store.
Did you try divePAL? PC and iPad versions are already available. Mac, iPhone and Droid versions are on the way.

Not only divePAL is perfectly synchronizing all supported features - including GPS coordinates - among different platforms, but is the only dive log software that supports storing dive logs in 3D.

Alberto (aka eDiver)

I don't know what in my dive log would be 3D, but DivePAL doesn't seem to have an Android version.

Diving Log is interesting, but it lacks some pretty key features. It doesn't even allow you to put in pressure groups. Mobile sync is also very cumbersome and doesn't include a lot of data. I see no way to sync my certs, for instance. The fact that it makes it easy to export (and thus import into another package) is the only reason I'm considering using it.

The state of dive log software is pretty sorry. No offense, divinglog.
You really track pressure groups? You could do it using the notes or comments.
You really track pressure groups? You could do it using the notes or comments.

Yeah. And I have a big logbook full of dives with pressure groups. That's something on the page of pretty much every dive log I've ever seen but it's not there.

"Surface interval" is hidden away on the "Additional" page which makes zero sense. The layout is kind of a mess and important info is obscured or missing. Sync is imperfect.

It seems to be the best that's out there, but... ugh. In the days of highly polished mobile apps for under $5, seamless web syncing, incredibly full-featured and mature free web apps, etc, the level of sophistication here is far from enough to get me to shell out $50 or whatever they want. I paid the couple of bucks for the mobile app, but for me the value prospect is not apparent yet.
I don't know what in my dive log would be 3D, but DivePAL doesn't seem to have an Android version.

Diving Log is interesting, but it lacks some pretty key features. It doesn't even allow you to put in pressure groups. Mobile sync is also very cumbersome and doesn't include a lot of data. I see no way to sync my certs, for instance. The fact that it makes it easy to export (and thus import into another package) is the only reason I'm considering using it.

The state of dive log software is pretty sorry. No offense, divinglog.

Diving Log supports pressure groups, they are just not displayed in the default layout. Just switch to the "Extended Layout" in the layout tab of the logbook window to see all available fields incl. PG's. You can customize the whole logbook layout as you want. If you want surface interval on the first page, no problem, just drag the field over. You can even download layouts from other Diving Log users. I would be interested what other data or features you are missing?

For iPhone and Windows Phone all data including certifications will be synced. The Android version is not developed by me and has a different data format and thus is lacking unfortunately some data. I recommend to take some time exploring everything. There are a lot of hidden features you might miss on a first glance.
It looks like PGs are in the latest version, buried on a different page. I'm pretty sure they weren't in the last version that I tried.

I have an Android phone. I'm not faulting you for the broken Android syncing. I understand you didn't develop it. You've done a good job overall here. It's just not nearly good enough to get me to spend the kind of money you're asking.

(What happened to Alt+S to post? Is there a new keyboard shortcut?)
No problem, I just want to make sure you don't miss any features which are already there. PG's and many other fields were added with tec diving features about a year ago. If you want them on the first page, just customize the layout and drag them onto the first page. You can remove the tab layout completely and just create a single logbook page if you want.

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