@Mas. -- not sure if you know, that you cannot dive another rebreather type than the one(s) you've been certified upon. This is because each rebreather is quite different from any other, may be subtle differences, but they're all different.
My Revo certification won't allow me to dive, say, a JJ without doing a "Crossover" course.
Of course I could say sodit and just go diving, but I'd need to ensure that I know how to build the thing, run through the checklists and do the various drills underwater (O2+dil flushes, O2+dil inject, shutdowns, bailout, etc.). Whilst my Revo and a JJ may be similar, there's significant differences to mean we cannot jump from one box to another like we can when driving different cars & trucks.
As for a Poseidon, just say no! It's more like an EV with mandatory lane and throttle control with an annoying whiny navigator voice than a Land Rover.
My Revo certification won't allow me to dive, say, a JJ without doing a "Crossover" course.
Of course I could say sodit and just go diving, but I'd need to ensure that I know how to build the thing, run through the checklists and do the various drills underwater (O2+dil flushes, O2+dil inject, shutdowns, bailout, etc.). Whilst my Revo and a JJ may be similar, there's significant differences to mean we cannot jump from one box to another like we can when driving different cars & trucks.
As for a Poseidon, just say no! It's more like an EV with mandatory lane and throttle control with an annoying whiny navigator voice than a Land Rover.