Just think of the innovative models a big corporation could bring to divers.
Monthly app subscription.
Monthly Sofnolime delivery, 10% off if you prepay for a year.
Pay-per-dive trimix plan.
Dive computer sharing your location and dives with advertisers.
Unskippable ads at every gas switch.
Proprietary parts and tools.
No way to service your unit without a manufacturer.
Fifty confirmations in the dive computer to start a dive.
Lawsuits against OEM parts manufacturers.
You might notice that some of these innovations are already part of the industry - think regulator service kits or recreational computers.
Monthly app subscription.
Monthly Sofnolime delivery, 10% off if you prepay for a year.
Pay-per-dive trimix plan.
Dive computer sharing your location and dives with advertisers.
Unskippable ads at every gas switch.
Proprietary parts and tools.
No way to service your unit without a manufacturer.
Fifty confirmations in the dive computer to start a dive.
Lawsuits against OEM parts manufacturers.
You might notice that some of these innovations are already part of the industry - think regulator service kits or recreational computers.