TJcop:I don't feel compelled to write a ticket for 6 mph over the limit...but apparently another officer did. There might be many reasons why a ticket was issued: orders from a supervisor, special enfocement, complaints of speeding in the area, etc....
Like I said earlier, I usually don't stop for speed until 15mph over...and there is plenty of that out there! I'm not really into traffic tickets, but I do stop vehicles. I like to make the stops to dig for other stuff; drugs, warrants, OWI, etc.
Guys, you both seem alright in my book but I want to be honest with you all. This is a big reason why you guys have such a bad rep all the time. What purpose does this serve to pull a person over who has no warrants, no tickets, no nothing for something so minor. You don't search the car. The person is cooperative and answers yes sir, no sir yet you still ticket them for such a minor infraction like changing lanes without a signal or something.
I hate to admit it but I honestly want to flip off a cop sometimes when I drive by them pulling over another car. I am sure, most of the time it is warranted and I shouldn't feel like that but when minor infractions a single time equal a ticket that costs $100 and insurance rates rise because of it ..... people don't forget.
Please don't take this wrong, I don't mean this as derogitory but this has happened to me twice in my lifetime. Once for changing lanes without a signal (stupid me) and once for going 81 in a 75 in the middle of the desert away from any major town at all. Both times the insurance company was happy to remind me of it and both times it cost me $100. This is also why no one ever believes that there are not quotas on ticket issuances. Now with that being said, if you track warnings and someone has a couple already...give them a ticket. Obviously warnings aren't working.
Sorry, don't mean to rant. Like I said, you guys have definetly entertained all of us. Its these little things that people remember negatively. We know you have hard jobs and you are human but if the police force wants to create good will....this is a really good place to start. I have heard other officers say that if they pull someone over they are getting a ticket. In fact, even on this thread. Those attitudes are what swings the public when you need them behind you sometimes.
just my opinion....