tjmills:If a guy hasn't had tickets in years (10) and is an upstanding citizen....why do you feel compelled to write a ticket when he is driving on open road with no one else on the road and is only 6mph over the speed limit on a highway......
I don't feel compelled to write a ticket for 6 mph over the limit...but apparently another officer did. There might be many reasons why a ticket was issued: orders from a supervisor, special enfocement, complaints of speeding in the area, etc....
Like I said earlier, I usually don't stop for speed until 15mph over...and there is plenty of that out there! I'm not really into traffic tickets, but I do stop vehicles. I like to make the stops to dig for other stuff; drugs, warrants, OWI, etc.
RonDawg:I personally couldn't care less what a firefighter thought of my job.
My best friend is a hoser for the same city that I'm a cop for, and I tell him this about hosers:
"Eat 'till your tired...sleep 'till your hungry!"