OE2X:Is it true that an officer can be vocally disrepectful to you, but you can't respond in turn without being arrested?
i don't believe there is any law in the books (in FLorida) that allow for an
arrest for simply "talking back" or "mouthing off" to an officer.
there is a charge (again, in Florida) of "resisting arrest without violence," and
the line between smarting off to an officer and resisting arrest wihtout violence can get crossed real fast...
and it's a night in jail for you

i would say that if faced with an arrogant, hostile, or whatever officer,
the best thing is to cooperate, get off the arrest situation, and report
that officer (by name and badge number, with date and time of incident)
to the police department's Internal Affairs or Integrity Units, if they have them.