Are you a vegetarian?

Are you a vegetarian?

  • Fish in the sea, not on a plate. Cow's in a field, not in a burger. I'm a veggie/vegan

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Don't eat meat but eat fish

    Votes: 15 6.7%
  • I eat the insides of an animal to please my palate

    Votes: 161 72.2%
  • Best place for fish is at the end of my speargun

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Don't eat fish but eat meat

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters

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Hope there's no flourocarbons involved or we'll be off on another tangent altogether.
I'm disappointed, but not really surprised, at how many rabid meat-eaters there are here. Not just that people want to eat meat, fair enough; but that they are so sure they know the truth about our food system and that vegetarians are just plain wrong. And they seem so paranoid that vegetarians are out to deny them their pleasures! It's sad, really.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I've seen several posts here, humorous ones aside, that show that a lot of people really have serious misconceptions about our food industry. Most people aren't aware of the drastic changes that have taken place over the past ten to twenty years. My generation of Americans was raised on a diet that's unhealthy for us as individuals, unsustainable for us as a species, and completely unnecessary. Being an omnivore is one thing, but the amount of meat and animal products Americans consume is just unjustified by any measure. We are spoiled rotten. And we're taking the rest of the world down with us.

I believe that, since there are so many people, small changes in individual behavior can have huge impacts. I also believe that a lot of people would be willing to make those small changes if they just understood the underlying issues. I just wish I was better at making my case. So, all you proud, gluttonous carnivores out there, I urge you to take an interest in how your meat is produced. Find out if the feedlot beef you get nowadays bears much relationship to the beef you ate as a child. Think about the consequences of your food choices; it's hard to imagine regretting not stuffing yourself, but easy to remember all those times you wish you hadn't had that extra serving.

It's not seeing the fish in their environment that makes me not want to eat them. It's just that diving exposes me to a whole new world, a part of my world that I was missing, and that new experience makes me want to be more fully involved in my world.

What makes you think meat eaters have it wrong? Why should they change? Not all of us meat eaters, eat to the bursting point. Eating your proper portion is a different subject. Thats more akin to a good/healthy diet.

I would wager that most of the vegetarian/vegans would not be here today had their ancestors not been meat eaters. Times were harder back in the day and you needed the protein from a meat source. We didnt have nut farms and corner stores or Whole Foods down the street.

Do I care that animals are dying every minute because my $ goes into a system that perpetuates their demise? No. Its like any other subject where people want to think more of themselves than they are. Like global warming. Some people want to believe its all us. Some people dont want to let NATURE just do its thing. We are part of that cycle. We are just doing our thing. If we actually, in some odd way, find an off chance to eat something to the point of its extinction then bravo for us. When you stop and ponder that, it may make more sense as to how difficult that would be.

I have been in Grocery stores all over the world. From South America to Europe to Isreal.. Same thing can be found everywhere. MEAT. Readily available. It was when I was a kid and it is still there today. My milk products cost more. My meat costs a little more.. but overall.. Its there for me day in day out.. You honestly think that we will somehow plow through all our chickens and cattle and pork (Im Jewish so this one I dont eat.. unless its BACON! then all bets are off!) and leave us with not meat? Hmmm..

Wouldnt that leave you with the world you want? A bunch of Vegans?

So while the veggies and vegans want to be treated with respect, then stop trying to imply that you have some information we dont. Its like any of the taboo subjects... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you shouldnt belittle us MEAT eaters just because you feel we are wrong.

If this was just an open forum for open debate, as I think it is, then maybe, just maybe, you should focus on some factual information. Dont appeal to us by saying "poor poor inferior life form is getting killed so you can eat". Thats what we want! Why not explain what you actually think is wrong or so bad with our meat eating? All I ever hear is "think about the animals and the conditions they are in".. I dont eat feathers or leather. I eat whats inside.. and from what I have heard, its all fairly well monitored for diseases and parasites. It not, that what the FIRE is for.

Educate us. Dont preach. Dont belittle and dont act high and mighty.

One final thought. You know what would impress me? Getting someone to be a Vegan and having them win Mr.Olympia.. hahha

You really don't make any sense at all buddy. How "competitive" is it when all kinds of fish get caught up in nets? How "competitive" is it when cows and chicken are killed for food? If people are against spearfishing because they don't eat fish...I understand that. However, you seem to throw reason out the window and are refusing to explain your logic.

Also the statement you just made is not congruent with what you said earlier

So which is you want it to be competitive or do you not care how it's caught? Also, if you do want it to be competitive how can you support nets?

I dislike like people killing the fish on the dive sites. It has an effect. Also if someone gets hurt with nets and so on so be it - its their job, its a risk. Again no sympathy. If it happens spear fishing then the same. Just because the spear fisherman has deliberately chosen to put themselves in a more dangerous situation doesnt mean they deserve any sympathy. If some gung-ho redneck is out to "kill stuff" as a form of sport like land hunting then that's their choice. However its refreshing to see them lose sometimes.

and the worms will eat ya...
Correct. Then things eat the worms and the cycle continues as it has done for millions of years.

So by this logic then, when you watch a movie like The Perfect Storm, you're rooting for the hurricane? Or if you read that a long liner or purse seiner boat sank, you're happy?

Not seen perfect storm so have no idea what you're on about. As for the other one, its their job. If someone commercially fishes for a living they are aware there are risks and they accept them. Its also their way of paying for the family. Unlike a spear fisherman who generally just kills stuff for fun or his own personal enjoyment.

You'll actually be happy if I, or someone like me gets injured or killed spearing.

I certainly wouldnt be unhappy. The animal fights back. What's the problem with that?
The only good vegetarian is a cow . . . they sure are tasty . . .
What do you do for a living String?
I have to chime in this off shoot as well..

All activities have risk. Some more than others. I dont expect to have any sympathy for me when I am racing and my equipment breaks or I get injured. I know the risks and accept them.

Scuba is the same as is any kind of hunting or extreme sport.

You accepted the risks the moment you partook of the activity. Why should sympathy be expected?

So that brings in the whole other side. What if you do that to provide for your family. Again, I am sorry, if you have that much of a problem with what you do for a living, get an education or adapt and learn some other skill.

I myself am an IT consultant. I play with computers and technology daily. Can I get hurt? Sure. The risks are minimal. I have had my share of sheet metal cuts. Nothing life threatening. I know that in my field, it would be rare for me to die directly due to my line of work. I do also know that I have to make more of an effort to maintain my health because I sit around all day and look at screens. So I need to exercise my eyes and body more.

Why do people get their panties in a wad when people just point out that they are indifferent to the plight of others.

We are all on our own individual walk here on this rock. Dont assume anyone has it wrong just because it doesnt align with your mentality. (ok.. well. Hitler had it very wrong..)
Not only do I love to eat meat, meat, and more meat, I enjoy killing the things I eat. Nothing better on a cold morning than listening to a pack of beagles chasing a rabbit and running him right to you so you can blast him with "Old Betsy". And then there is the fall dove hunt when you wait in camo until those little guys fly into the field and blam blam blam. Off they go. Doves aren't hard to hit mind you. They are just easy to miss.

And finally the winter striper season is upon us. What a rush to get over a school of those suckers and just about every time you cast you are reeling in a 25lb plus fish.

It just seems like if I kill it, the taste is just a little sweeter.

I have to chime in this off shoot as well..

All activities have risk. Some more than others. I dont expect to have any sympathy for me when I am racing and my equipment breaks or I get injured. I know the risks and accept them.

Scuba is the same as is any kind of hunting or extreme sport.

You accepted the risks the moment you partook of the activity. Why should sympathy be expected?

So that brings in the whole other side. What if you do that to provide for your family. Again, I am sorry, if you have that much of a problem with what you do for a living, get an education or adapt and learn some other skill.


No one is asking for any sympathy. but when one expresses some joy over the passing of another human....I really could give a rat's ass if you or String have no sympathy for me or anyone who dies spearing or fishing. I just think you're both a bit twisted if you actually find some joy in it.
Why are there always polls about vegetarians, but never carnivors?

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