Are you a vegetarian?

Are you a vegetarian?

  • Fish in the sea, not on a plate. Cow's in a field, not in a burger. I'm a veggie/vegan

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Don't eat meat but eat fish

    Votes: 15 6.7%
  • I eat the insides of an animal to please my palate

    Votes: 161 72.2%
  • Best place for fish is at the end of my speargun

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Don't eat fish but eat meat

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters

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I love food. I eat more of it than most two women my size. And it's all plants.

I used to really like eating meat too, but I decided the costs were too high for my taste. (and no, I don't mean $).

I am so thankful that dark chocolate isn't made from animals!!

Hum, Dark chocolate is produced by adding fat and sugar to cacao.

See I told you it was a religion! The Earth First, left wing, fringe, nut buckets, and they all want YOU to do as they say! In the name of Morality, The Earth, or the truth that they hate people and want you to see it their way! Words like "Exploit" or "Exploitation of animals" are dead give a ways! They see use as the enemy of the earth and the problem! It is the worst form of elitism and it is encroaching into everyday life! No Rodeos, No Horse Racing, No pet ownership, and its just like this thread! It starts out innocent and smiles and then you get lectured on animals "Rights" as if they had any! When they can defend them they can have them, otherwise they were put on the earth to serve us! Our obligation to them is being good stewards! How come its okay to Spay or Neuter? But cutting of tails and Dewclaws is becoming illegal? It is a slippery slope! :shakehead:

BTW, why is this here and not the PUB? What does it have to do with diving?
Im struggling to see the problem here. Its quite simply

Plants get food from the sun. Cows eat the plants. I then eat the cows.

BTW, why is this here and not the PUB? What does it have to do with diving?

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

this is something that we have been debating in the back room - for me, i find it a interesting topic to be discussed by divers so as long as it stays relevant and on topic i see it as diving related though not all agree with this

it can be moved to the Surface Interval if OP wishes but i would prefer to leave it out of the Pub as not all members frequent the Pub


Sea food on a live aboard doesn't seem odd at all.

It wasn't a live aboard just a day boat, but the the BEST scallops I ever et were fried right then and there on board and fresh, just after they were retrieved. We were in Mexican waters south of San Diego at Catalina Island. Not odd, just derishous! :eyebrow:

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

I would prefer to leave it out of the Pub as not all members frequent the Pub

Here, here! Some of us are underage and would be carded, how embarrassing! :D

I think that the OP would have to be an idiot to think that a poll of this nature would not light off an heated "discussion" knowing how extremely polarized this topic is. (I don't think that the OP IS an idiot though) Many emotions are involved in this debate and quite frankly, I have been surprised at the level of maturity that has been displayed by most posters.

How we view our world and surrounding environment IS a dive-related topic. Taking fish as game IS a dive-related topic. What is eaten "on board" IS a dive-related topic. I doubt a vegan wants to be paired with Papabear for a dive any time soon! :D

Comments like, "The only thing that makes me even want to return from a dive is knowing that I have some stuffed fillet mignons waiting for me! I also have some steaks, if you want one. By the way, how do you like yours; med-rare, or really rare so that the red juice kind of drips down your chin?" might NOT make for a very companionable dive! :D

Thanks almitywife for leaving it right here!

PS. to Papabear, I take mine med-rare!! :eyebrow:
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Really I don't care what someone else eats, only when they try to proselytize a way of life I don't believe in! The thing that is funny is Gena in the Picture is a Vegetarian, notice the plate done for me, so if she wasn't a good sport about it, it wouldn't have happened!
Taken at her request! SO close to a meat eater!
Erm no. Why would i be? If there's going to be any sort of fight id rather it was at least competitive.

Try to kill a wild animal then you have no right to moan or sympathy when it fights back.

You really don't make any sense at all buddy. How "competitive" is it when all kinds of fish get caught up in nets? How "competitive" is it when cows and chicken are killed for food? If people are against spearfishing because they don't eat fish...I understand that. However, you seem to throw reason out the window and are refusing to explain your logic.

Also the statement you just made is not congruent with what you said earlier

Not against nets and long line fishing. I eat it and dont overly care how its caught.

So which is you want it to be competitive or do you not care how it's caught? Also, if you do want it to be competitive how can you support nets?

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