Are Weight Belts Obsolete?

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Losing weight pockets sounds like user error rather than gear error to me.. All the people ive been diving with has used BCD with integrated weights and none have just "lost their weight pockets"..
Ok, you might say that I dont have many dives and i dont, but if you look at the number of people ive been in the water with, its still a matter of ~150 dives ive observed first hand (and been part of) with bcd with integrated weights and no issues (caused by the weight system)..
I wouldnt want to be sloppy with the insertion of the weight pockets tho, since they WILL come out easilly if you dont use the attachment systems correctly..

The design of some weight pouches does in fact leave them prone to falling out. Pouches where the opening is pointed down when the diver is horizontal and are only held in place by velcro are amoung them. One problem is that the velcro wears or just gets dirty and may not hold. I suppose you might consider diving with dirty or worn velcro as diver error but it is a weak spot in the design. Another problem with some of the designes is that all it takes is for them to get brushed by an arm or something to knock the velcro lose. That's especially true if exposed velcro (after being bumped or brushed)sticks to something like the wet suit clad arm that brushes against it. Divers in cold water may tend to overload the pouches but some just aren't designed to hold the amount of weight that a diver using an AL tank and a heavy exposure suit needs. Again, you might consider that diver error but there are plenty of weight pouches out there that don't do a good job of holding the amount of weight the manufacturer says they will hold. In any case I've seen lots of them fall out and have retreived a bunch for divers who landed on the surface after losing them and found many more just abandoned on the bottom. In recent years some manufacturers have changed their designed to address the velcro problems...after spending years denying that there ever was a problem. LOL

Since all of our gear effects buoyancy and trim it would seem to make sense to consider the whole package. Wearing a light tank with a heavy exposure suit with an inherantly buoyant bc (some of them are) and trying to cram all the needed weight into integrated bc weight pouches is probably the worst possible combination but it's also pretty common.
Of course not. Weight belts are absolutely necessary if you use a non-integrated BC like my brand new Scubapro Classic Sport.
I've seen accidental weight dumping on 1 of 3 boats we've been on, so I think it is more common than we imagine. I would blame it on BC design more so than the user. Again, velcro ones will wear out and dump when they are older.
Yes, I will call diving with a worn out velcro attachment or a generally dirty velcro a diver error, just like youd call diving with a regulator stuffed with mud a diver error..

None of the bcds ive seen have had "exposed" velcro tho
Jeckyll, Bro did I touch a nerve? No where was I advocating anything one way or another. I stated my reasons for using a particular setup. Try opening your mind a little and you will see there are options in the world, other than black or white...or is there only white?

What makes you think my mind is closed?

I relayed the experiences of the people around here that I dive with and my own. If your situation is different, enjoy.

Yes, I will call diving with a worn out velcro attachment or a generally dirty velcro a diver error, just like youd call diving with a regulator stuffed with mud a diver error..

None of the bcds ive seen have had "exposed" velcro tho

It doesn't start out exposed but once it's brushed by an arm or a piece of gear it is exposed. It doesn't have to start out dirty either. Velcro just isn't a good choice for a connection like that. Kepping weights at depth is just too critical with the possible results of losing them too severe.

In any case, weight pouches that point down (on a horizontal diver) and are only held by velcro fall out pretty often. Diver error or not, when an error is that common, a design solution is called for to eliminate the possibility of the error. That's exactly the approach some of the manufacturers eventually took...finally.
i have to agree with everyone on this post. i use integrated, weight belts and steel doubles with no ditchable weight it just depends on what i am doing and what rig i'm using. everyone should stay flexible and do what works for you at the time.
I agree that most of the problems with weight belts (not comfortable, not being able to get tight enough, slipping) can be solved by rubber belts. I use a rubber belt, and it is MUCH more comfortable since it doesnt have to be so tight. Also, by it being rubber, it has a certian amount of grip on the suit that helps prevent sliding.
Here's another vote for a rubber belt. I decided to try one after reading testimonials here and it's very nice.

My LDS looked at me like I was insane when I asked for it though.

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