Are there any GLBT divers/groups/clubs out there?

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Ain't that the truth!



If it is no big deal, or if we should just "get over it," then why has this thread persisted for 8 years?

See posts #38 and #39 as above. :hm:
Ain't that the truth!



Don't forget snorkels and spare air's! :shocked2:
Yeah, that was three weeks ago. What about the preceeding eight years? was an issue back in 2002. Then it seems to have died down for eight years. Then it came back up in 2010. I wonder what could have happened in during those 8 years to have let the issue settle down?

Maybe the whole "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" approach actually worked?


I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
Hmm...maybe the Bush administration's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" approach actually worked?


I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

iztok, do you think it's likely that lgbt people are having experiences that you may not be aware of? If it is no big deal, or if we should just "get over it," then why has this thread persisted for 8 years? What could be going on here that you don't understand?

I will tell you from my experiences as a gay person that many straight people are completely unaware of a lot of what goes on in my life, and how my life is different from theirs. And I know this not only from their actions, but because they themselves have told me repeatedly, after getting to know me and becoming a part of my life, "I had no idea about any of this..."

Yes, lgbt people want to connect with each other. Why is that such a threatening thing? Straight people are the dominant group in virtually every public space in our society. Why do they get their panties all in a twist when we want 2 inches of space for ourselves, or when we want to relate to each other, or when we attempt to create some type of space in which they are not at center stage every minute? They take offense at every deviation from their script.

If you're a libertarian, you'll likely grasp that lgbt people can choose to connect with each other within a diving context, and that other people's opinions or speculations on whether or not we should do this or why we do it don't matter much.

As I said, there are groups (talking about US for example) that are more discriminated against than GLBT groups. In fact what I am saying is that GLBT groups themselves discriminate. Furthermore you can't cry I've been discriminated against if you are doing discriminating yourself.

You probably won't see atheists discriminating against GLBT people but you do see it the other way around here in US.
TOh well we must hang around different crowds then as sex, politics and religion comes up fairly frequently with my friends.

US. Sex, politics and religion are things people do not discuss. Esp. not on the dive boat.

For me I don't care if my dive buddy is male, female, GLBT, republican, democrat, Christian, Muslim, Jew or an atheist. It doesn't matter. And the later is the point. It doesn't matter what your sexual, political, or religions orientation is when it comes to diving.
I've got a female friend who's a diver who could well meet the same stranger on a dive boat and say "I love cave diving, but I'm married, and Nancy doesn't like the idea of me diving in a cave..." the response would often be "Why do you people always have to shove your sex life in our faces?"

Believe it or not I probably have more experience with discrimination than many GLBT people. Being a proud member of the most distrusted minority in USA. Even been discriminated by GLBT people. (On the other hand I haven't seen it the other way around.)

Point I was trying to make is that in the diving I've never experienced discrimination against GLBT. I assumed that because sexual orientation just doesn't matter when it comes to diving.

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