Hate to break it to you know it alls but WE can use whatever fins we so please so YES...the Teams (SEALS/UDT) can and some do use Bob's Force fins. They fit over boots easier and come off fast and easy. You have to learn how to kick. I hate um. I use splits. I have had force, splits, jets, rockets, duckfeet issued in my 20 plus career. Goes for the mask as well.
BTW mempitot...UDKS ( U Don't Know ****e) You say you have a "couple in the family" but I too have been around the Teams for awhile. Maybe "your" friends don't but I have dove with a few that have and like them and swear by them. Besides whatever the ANU (Authorized for Navy Diving) has on it we dive...and yes...Bobby's force fins are on the list.