It is no big deal... just a short 4"~5" piece slipped under each wrist seal before the glove is snapped on. They allow the gloves to equalize with the suit and if a glove ever leaks you can pull the glove, pull the tube and then replace the glove. Now you are diving with a wet glove but your suit stays dry.ScubaScott once bubbled...
Pug - can you give me a few more details on the surgical tubing thing.... I wasn't aware of that problem. Where does the tubing go, how much do you need........
I had just sent an email to covci before your second response Pug, regarding price, installation......
Thanks for your help guys
If you don't use tubes (coffee stir straws work as well) air from the suit will get by the seals on descent and eventually relieve the squeeze in the glove... but on ascent the air cannot go back the other way and the gloves get huge (depending on how deep you went.)
If you don't keep the wrist seals in place you won't need tubes... but if a glove leaks you will get a wet and cold arm... and that is no fun.