AquaZoo 02-19-2005

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&##%#%#! I have to work that night!
I have to go in at 7:00 pm so no nighttime festivities for me. At least I will get the dive in before hand but I will be missing the Famous Jalapeno's and other treats.

I was looking forward to painting all the catchy phrases on Jenny's house too!

I've made a grave mistake- been practicing the "ostrich" technique with this thread & not opening it....:banghead: I've already promised my daughter that I would spend the weekend with her next weekend & now... (sigh). I got in lots of trouble with her the last time for leaving to go dive with you guys so I am NOT going to be able to make it this time. Jenny, I'll get with you later today to get your computer & mattress back to you. My cute little steel 80's if you want them but sounds as if you already have that covered. Have a great time guys... (posting & closing never to revisit until the trip report comes back :broken_he )
Hay now, not every guy going on this trip is married and unavailable. :eyebrow:

Ah , er , uh , oh , ...
( :D I love the "Spring da trap thing though )
Yea , dem married guys ... what can ya say !!!


P.S. I am driving down with Jeff and co-worker...So I will be staying with DA MOB !!!!
:laughing: terrible..... !
Hey Rickyd,

I may be getting out to So. Cal. this year. Where do you hang out at? Would be great to make your aquantence and then possibly do some diving in your neck of the woods. Looking forward to meeting ya!


1. Jenny
2. Vickie-baitedstorm
3. Eric-Orlando
4. Krista
5. Scott-padipro
6. Oliver--Sage
7. Jeff--diverdoh
8. Joeamit
9. Rickyd
10. Lee-Hoya
12. Jean
13. James-driftdiver
14. Brian-zendiver
15. Brian-nov***ry (why is the software bleeping out his name....nothing iffy in it....?)
16. Jeff's friend
17. Stu_in_fl
18+Erik purduepete and dive club

This is gonna be one cozy boat!!
Jean--is the co-worker you're driving down with the same as #16 here or do we have another?
Hey Rickyd,

I may be getting out to So. Cal. this year. Where do you hang out at? Would be great to make your aquantence and then possibly do some diving in your neck of the woods. Looking forward to meeting ya!


Hi Lee,

Always happy to show someone our great Channel Island diving. I do most of my diving with the Whalers Dive Club. Check out our schedule. I live in the West San Fernando Valley area.

PM me when your plans get more specific.

1. Jenny
2. Vickie-baitedstorm
3. Eric-Orlando
4. Krista
5. Scott-padipro
6. Oliver--Sage
7. Jeff--diverdoh
8. Rick-Scubaguy
9. Angie-scubagirl
10. Lee-Hoya
12. Jean
13. James-driftdiver
14. Brian-zendiver
15. Brian-nov***ry (why is the software bleeping out his name....nothing iffy in it....?)
16. Jeff's friend
17. Stu_in_fl
18. Joeamit
19. Rickyd
20+Erik purduepete and dive club

This is gonna be one cozy boat!!
Jean--is the co-worker you're driving down with the same as #16 here or do we have another?

Yes , co-worker that I mentioned is the same as #16 ... (one and the same...)
You know , I really thought my dive buddies up north were wild and crazy...After hanging around this bunch for only a short time , I know the Florida Conchs got my Northern buddies beat by a mile !!! (which is a good thing...)
(Must be the salt water...) :partytime

Jeano Beano

P.S. Don't ASK !!!! :11:
Jeano Beano

P.S. Don't ASK !!!! :11:
Ya know, telling us not to ask is like getting ready to dive in crystal clear warm water then telling us we are not allowed to! Sheesh!

We have ways of making you talk....:evilgrin:
Hey :11: what's that supposed to mean Jean.....

hehehehehhehehe :eyebrow: We're the interesting group!!! heheheheheehe , rarely ever a dull moment! :wink:

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