AquaZoo 02-19-2005

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It's going to be a very interesting trip that's for sure.

We're definitely going to need pictures of this one so who's bringing the camera?
I'm bringing a camera - and lots of film.

And for the edification of those in the room - it's not LEE's STUDENT, it's SCUBACAT04. She is currently on a cruise which explains why she is strangly silent. At least, SHE calls it a cruise. I think they call it 'transportation' (as in banishment) in Britian. It may be a good thing that she is kind of 'out of touch'. If she saw the exchanges in here regarding her, she would seriously consider staying out at sea.

On to other subjects..... I'll be 'up' for another dive in the afternoon. Agree with Eric in that nothing really blows my skirt up for the afternoon dives out of S. Florida Diving Center, but if anyone has any ideas.....


Me bring my camera too...35mm...
(I know , I know ... )

Someone push me into the 21 century...And maybe a credit card too !!!!

Hoya- Firstly don't throw words like edification around. This isn't a very bright group. :dork: For instance I was PM'd a message asking me what edification meant. I told them to look it up. They said that they went to Merriam-Webster and the definition said, "noun
: an act or process of edifying" which did not help them much. I then had to spend my time and bandwidth explaining what edifying meant! :banghead:

Seriously though if SCUBACAT04 should find any of this to be: Distasteful, rude, presumptious, or even horrifiying please apologize, at least for me. It is all in banter and in the spirit of whatever happens on the interent is playtime and not to be considered. I obviously would not really tuck my sleeve in my wetsuit and spread red dye in the water. Or prop up a box with a stick and leave a fake Key West gold coin under it. Well, That actually has been something I always wanted to do!

This is going to be a great dive with a group of great divers who all have a fantastic sense of humor!

We may even all get lucky and get narc'd enough to see a Bullshark that isn't even really there! That would be awesome!

..just signed up - time to check out my new shiny tanks
I signed up about 2 hours ago, before I even saw this post.......

Be nice to get into some warm waters - getting a bit chilly here in SoCal.

C ya all there...
Hey Joe! Been wondering 'bout ya, glad you are still around!
Stu and Ricky, glad you can join us!
wooohooo, less than a week away!

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