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As far as Aquasafari, DM begins to tow sausage when first diver of his group shows less air sign to DM.Then keep towing until last diver come up to the suraface.

I never seen DM towing diver flag from boat , not only Coz, but where I have dove.

Interestingly enough, the instructor I exchanged words with had a flag quite similar to mine. Also, Mr Horn indicated that the first group of divers his boat dropped off also had a flag.
Interestingly enough, the instructor I exchanged words with had a flag quite similar to mine. Also, Mr Horn indicated that the first group of divers his boat dropped off also had a flag.

Yes,the instructor you exchange words, maybe Ricald, has always a flag when he traines student. When I dove with Ricald ,as a DM, he towed sausage.

I talked about DM, not instructor.
Sorry for not being written in detail.

So.....when boats take divers to Paradise reef, they take them to the close-in sand, not the reef?

Yes, divers are taken to beautiful reef. In "close-in sand" area ,I think you mean sandy and very shallow area near shoreline, sometimes Aquasafari traines student diver for confined open water training. So I think Ricald has a flag.

I am sorry if I misunderstand what you mean.
So.....when boats take divers to Paradise reef, they take them to the close-in sand, not the reef?

Where we were at "some portion" of the dive is completely irrelevant to where we were when the incident happened. It doesn't matter. These are the facts that matter:

1. Divers were in the water
2. The divers were under an internationally-recognized dive flag.
3. A boat violated any idea of safe distance from a flag that may exist anywhere in the world (zero feet)
4. A diver had to take immediate action to avoid death/injury.
5. The boat crew responded rudely.

Those are the facts, the details that have been hashed over here a million times really have no bearing on the events. Navigational channels didn't matter: there was a dive flag. A divemaster being present doesn't matter: we were under a dive flag at a dive site. The record of the company doesn't matter: what happened, happened. It is an inconvenient truth for many people, but it is what it is. I cannot change the facts, I cannot change what happened. All I can do is present them to the people here, and to Mr. Horn. If for some reason a person refuses to accept that these facts are true (facts, that have indeed been verified by Mr Horn himself), then what can I say? That person, whoever it may be, cannot be swayed by anything I, or anyone else, says.

I'll say again what I said on the other forum.....the vast majority of your posts on this topic have consisted of this exact statement. We are aware of your feelings, thank you for sharing them yet again.

5 internet medias? How about 3. No need to get carried away and exaggerate things.

I know that since you are a fellow operator in Cozumel, you are somewhat obligated to stick up for your fellow businessman. But why do you refuse to even consider the possibility that the actions of AquaSafari were even slightly wrong? Time and time again, you throw facts aside to remain in support of your friend, then attack ME personally whenever you can. Why? I guess if you cannot be convinced of anything but what you already thought before this incident ever happened, then there is nothing more I can do, and there is also nothing that you would be willing learn from this incident. Thus, at least for Blue XT Sea, it is a lost cause.

At some point, something has to give. I give. Obviously the facts are not enough. They have been verified by 3 sources, Mr Horn has agreed with my version of what happened, yet here we are, unable to agree on the color of the sky, let alone this topic. There is obviously too much pride in everyone...myself included...for this thread to come to any benefit. This is crushing to me, as I truly thought something good could come of it. But no, it is obvious now that it cannot.

So, I'm going diving. And if an AquaSafari boat runs me over, I'll just keep swimming.

Ted, no need for you to apologize.

Jonathan...You have selective reading issues. Please stop picking out the parts of my posts and taking them out of context. posted this by your own admission on:

1. Scubatoys - internet media
2. Cozumel My Cozumel - Internet media
3. Scubaboard - Internet media
4. Undercurrent - Internet media (also a magazine but submissions are posted on the internet as well)
5. Scuba Diving Magazine - again a magazine and an internet media

That's five, not three. Or do you not know the definition of "media"?

YOUR DRAWINGS show that you were in the navigational channel when the incident occurred. If they are wrong, then it's your fault, I am ONLY GOING by YOUR drawings!

Yes, being in the navigational channel at some point during your dive IS relevant because as far as I'm concerned based on YOUR description and drawings over the weekend...that's where you were when the incident happened.

Go back and read my very first post and several subsequent ones. I never said Aqua Safari's captain wasn't responsible, but I did say that I am certain he didn't intentionally run over your buoy and I also said that you need to accept partial responsibility. I maintain that he simply didn't see your flag, but no, that doesn't excuse what he did. He also has to accept responsibility, I never said otherwise.

Yes, the boats drop students and instructors of in the shallow area for training, at the edge of the navigational channel, where he boats typically wait for their divers, and where your diagram shows the incident occurred...which explains why the boat was where it was.

Finally, I have provided much more than simply my opinion of your handling of this matter. And no, I am not obligated by any means to stick up for my colleague. I am defending what is right....and that was you posting/sending this to FIVE internet mediums in haste before first talking to Bill. I wouldn't have even gotten involved in this if I didn't know first hand what an exceptional operation he runs. I do stick up for shops I respect if they are being unjustly raked over the coals.

If you wanted people to learn from this as you claim, you should have waited and presented your story AFTER you met with him...THAT would be an educational and informative post, and I imagine would have been without the defaming statements. You had no intention of even talking to Bill until several of us suggested it and Bill extended the invitation to don't try to pretend otherwise.

This IS the last time I will respond to your one sided statements. Unfortunately, I think it is you who hasn't leaned anything from this as you have yet to admit ANY wrong doing or responsibility in this entire ordeal.
Thank you for insulting my vocabulary, Christi, that is truly mature and upstanding. I think I can handle 2- and 3-syllable words.
TND - I'm afraid I still can't tell from what Bill has posted whether the captain saw your dive flag or not. Is it your impression from the experience and subsequent discussions that he did see your dive flag before he approached it?
TND - I'm afraid I still can't tell from what Bill has posted whether the captain saw your dive flag or not. Is it your impression from the experience and subsequent discussions that he did see your dive flag before he approached it?
That's one thing I'm fuzzy on as well. None of the crew ever actually said "I saw the flag", or "I never saw the flag". Maybe Mr. Horn could tell us this.
That's one thing I'm fuzzy on as well. None of the crew ever actually said "I saw the flag", or "I never saw the flag". Maybe Mr. Horn could tell us this.

I was afraid that might be the case. This thread is now a week old and this most basic question has not been answered. In hindsight, it does not appear to me that trying to handle this incident more discreetly by going directly to the shop rather than the internet would have been any more successful in reaching understanding and resolution.
Jonathan, if you haven't learned ANYTHING else from this incident I hope at least you've figured out that sometimes boat drivers aren't going to see your flag. If you think that a little dive flag in a big ocean is going to keep you out of harms, no matter where you are or what you do, you've got some sad lessons ahead of you in your diving future.
Jonathan, if you haven't learned ANYTHING else from this incident I hope at least you've figured out that sometimes boat drivers aren't going to see your flag. If you think that a little dive flag in a big ocean is going to keep you out of harms, no matter where you are or what you do, you've got some sad lessons ahead of you in your diving future.

So what is the take away? Don't dive in Cozumel at this location? At all? If not, how do you go about it safely? If your answer is going to be have a permit and be with a DM, again please tell me how that would have made this situation different. Please, I really would like to know.

It is entirely possible that I might go to Cozumel, take a trip with Aqua Safari, go to this dive site, and be ascending with my DM and a marker at the same spot TND was at. Would I be taking a foolish and unnecessary risk?:confused:
Jonathan, if you haven't learned ANYTHING else from this incident I hope at least you've figured out that sometimes boat drivers aren't going to see your flag. If you think that a little dive flag in a big ocean is going to keep you out of harms, no matter where you are or what you do, you've got some sad lessons ahead of you in your diving future.

He apparently knew that before it happened. That would explain his taking evasive actions as the boat approached. But I don't think this is something we divers should accept as SH, buy that boat captain a beer. I feel, as I think TND does, that there should be appologies, explanations, and/or repercussions. After a week of investigation, I have seen none.

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