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driftin' by:
Originally Posted by wikel
so I will just S T F U and move on...

I think I speak for everyone here when I say- THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

I second that.
Aqua Safari:
Aqua Safari used to be a "Big" shop thirty years ago. Then came Carlos Sierra, Sand Dollar, Aquaworld and Palancar Divers. We are now the fifth or sixth in size. I never wanted to be the biggest, I just wanted to be the best, to be the happiest on the way to the bank, and to be able to sleep soundly even after an accident; knowing that we do not cut corners, take chances, gamble with lives for an almighty dollar.

Based on your quick response, I can see you're already hooked on SB. :D Perhaps I misspoke about ya'll being "Big". That's just my perspective which can be skewed at times. What you said above makes good business sense. As an inspiring businessman/entrepreneur myself, it would be a pleasure pick your brains over a few cerveza sometime. BTW, I think I already know, but who is Carlos Sierra?
Much has been posted about the rush to beat up on Aqua Safari without waiting for or giving it a chance to respond to the situation, with good reason. Mr. Horn has show himself to be a concerned business owner and a standup guy. I'm glad that he has, and that people are recognizing Aqua Safari as a dive op they should take their vacation dollars to.

I realize that Mr. Horn still plans a more detailed post on the incident, but he has not indicated in any way that the event did not occur as originally described by TND. We have had apologies to Mr. Horn and Aqua Safari for too quickly judging him and his business, but I have not seen any of the posters that all but called TND a liar attempt to make amends for their rush to question his veracity and motives.

In as much as we have applauded Mr. Horn (rightfully so), we should also make note of the fact that the additional information coming in has not shown TND to have inaccurately posted an account of his perspective (allowing for the possibility that the crew had a different one) of the incident. He might well have handled the incident differently, but I'm disappointed that some chose to question TND's truthfulness, rather than confine their discussion to how better he might have addressed his concerns. Perhaps if in previous posts he had somehow misrepresented himself, but otherwise I don't see it.

I'm relatively new to SB, but I'd like to think that someone with a long history and presence on the board might be shown a little bit more courtesy.

Just my additional 2 cents.

In any case, I'm glad Mr. Horn and Aqua Safari have joined the SB ranks!:D
As a side note, Mr Horn indicated to me in an e-mail that we were the ONLY forum interested enough in both sides to contact him. This is our SOP and it surprises me that more forums don't take such measures to be fair.
Backscatter, I guess that some things could have been said somewhat better - on this thread and/or in the water that day. I'd love to have help rewriting some of my remarks - here, there, everywhere. I do not see a lack of respect for TND, tho. I'm not going to go back reread then represent his earliest posts, but from my general memory - he was given a clear path to post when actually contacting the AS owner might have been a more prudent idea. Hell, we've had lots of discussion here, there, yes, no, why, etc. I just think that your remarks, altho well thot out and well presented, are untimely and unneeded now.

Some of us see this as a local dispute that might have been better handled locally before broadcasting the one-sided story in several networks. Agree or not it is good that is was handled locally seemingly to the benefit and agreement of those involved.

Now is the time to simply learn from others here I think, as we always seek to do on SB.

I see that you are kinda new but a supporting memeber of SB; hope you're enjoying it and benefiting. :)
I like Cheetos. :D


I just had surgery and so I am on some pain killers, but I want what EVER you are taking instead. :D

I just had surgery and so I am on some pain killers, but I want what EVER you are taking instead. :D

Good to see you up and typing around again!


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