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There is a difference between an accident and down right disrespect. This incident would be the former. IMO an apology for this type of treatment is not enough.

And you would know all this about the alleged incident exactly how? And even though the apology was sufficient for the OP, it's not good enough for you? How is it that you figure you are owed anything at all by anyone involved? If I were the owner of a dive shop, I would tell you precisely where you could stick your $1500, and don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.

Of course, I mean that in the nicest possible way... ;^)
Maybe he types well drunk...??
Most business owners understand that you cannot please every customer and that's why there are many dive shops down there each with their share of loyal customers instead of one big shop with all the customers.

Exactly! I'll add that good business owners/managers also know when to turn business away. Some clients are more hassle than their $1500 (in this case) is worth and you couldn't please them if you provided them with gold tanks, so you simply decline their business. That is called risk management and proactive damage control. I'll also add that just because we are in the customer service industry, it doesn't mean that we have to tolerate being treated disrespectfully.

And as I always say, the pie is big enough for all of us...the bad dive operators simply don't last in this competitive market. And finally, any dive op that would be "made" or "broke" over $1500 can't afford to be operating to begin with.

I find it ironic that Wikel rants about "disrespect" here and claims that an apology is not enough. Something in my gut tells me he's had some first hand experience with disrespect...and I'm not referring to him being the recipient of disrespectful treatment...I think he's had a few victims of his own.
Like I said "if"...

Maybe they worked it out, that's good for them. I re-read the inital post and from boat driver, to the dive master there was a common theme of "screw you" your in our way.

Whether they worked it out at this point or not, after reading the inital post again I'm just disgusted. I'll take my $1500 somewhere else...
We will be traveling to Coz in March. I was looking at operations trying to decide who I would want to give my 14+ dives to. I had contacted Bill at the beginning of this thread letting him know it would not be him. I conversing with him it became clear that he was very concerned with the incident that he asked me to await the final outcome. I did so and after seeing that the parties involved had come to an understanding I made my decision that I would certainly give my money to a operation that can take a person that was put into a dangerous situation and come out of it having them say that they would dive with this operation. While I do not expect to know what went on in their meeting I do know that Bill had the integrity to wait for the truth to be told and then accept reasonability for the incident and have the 2 parties meet then take what has come of it and learn from it. You can not expect any thing more from any owner, and then to do it in front of a public forum. I guess you can use this incident and take your business elsewhere but I have used it to give my business to him
See you in March Bill!!!
Well interesting... wikel has extended the thread thereby increasing the advertising for Aqua Safari and Christi. It is certain that his vituperate posting has done more to help them rather than to diminish their customer base. I have to think of a way to collect a tithe of the extra business sure to come their way over this! :D
i agree Pete

Aqua Safari has stepped up and listened and prepared to make changes

OP has stepped down, reveiwed, added a few extra points (like it wasnt just the one operator but 3) and added he is very happy with Aqua response

ANOTHER diver, who was with OP on the day even said he will be diving with Aqua soon

if i was planning a trip, i too right now would be thinking Aqua Safari (and Christi), they sound like a very hands on crew who are prepared to listen when needed, and prepared to just shut up and dive which is what most divers want
I guess we will agree to disagree. And yes I am taking a lot of what teknitroxdiver said as 100% accurate. I just don't see someone making up an incident like that. In fact, I'm very shocked that it would occur at all. This was not just one person, but two from that boat "representing the company" that were acting this way.

People don't go from very customer focused to straight out jack arses overnight. Maybe he has some bad apples, I can understand that. Hopefully he will take corrective measures to fix those issues.

I might have gone out on a limb here and overreacted, but I just don't see these as innocent mistakes by someone:

"I asked the captain if he knew what a dive flag meant. He told me to go away and be quiet. I told him that he "better be more careful or he was likely to kill someone". He again told me to go away."

I saw that the boat's divemaster was in the water just 20' away. I decided to talk to him. I swam over to about 10' away, and before I could say anything he said "Do you have authorization to be instructing here." I said, "no, I'm not an instructor and am not teaching. I would appreciate it if you would not run your boat over my dive flag. You almost killed me."

"He replied, "Do you have a marine park pass? I don't think you do." Then he said to his divers, "Come on, we're descending now." This ticked me off, and I said, "No, I'm not done with you yet!" He then said, "you better shut up and be careful what you complain about, or I will call the park service on you." Then he said to his captain, in spanish, "Call the national park." I told him, "Do what you want, I really don't care about them. How would you feel if someone ran YOUR flag over?" (He had an identical flag with him) He again told me to shut up and leave, then he descended."
I guess we will agree to disagree. And yes I am taking a lot of what teknitroxdiver said as 100% accurate. I just don't see someone making up an incident like that. In fact, I'm very shocked that it would occur at all. ....."

im not trying to convince to either, but both OP and Aqua both agree something happened and they have discussed it and both learned from it and changes on both sides seems to have been the result - wow, almost like grown ups :wink:

and - if you travel enough with your diving you will soon discover there are alot worse out there and sometimes poopy brown stuff happens but its how it is dealt with that matters and it will either make or break a dive op

anyways, we all have a bad day every now and then - if this wasnt the 1st incident we would have heard about Aqua before now (and trust me, if they were repeat offenders we would have! )


edited: because my thought processes suck!
Luckily, for all of us that enjoy diving in Coz. there is a lot of choices in regards to who we dive with. I guess I will vote with my $$$'s. In some areas of the world you have few choices.

Again, thank goodness this was just an incident and not an accident.

Good Diving,

Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue Safari. Aqua XT Sea. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea. Aqua Safari. Blue XT Sea.

Na na na na na!

Well wikel, you've ruled out two well respected and quality dive shops so far, so who's on your short list now? Have you searched Scubaboard or Googled to make sure they too haven't made any mistakes?

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