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Let’s connect the dots on this story. First, the captain violated a dive flag perimeter. While this is in it’s self a very serious infraction, it was made much worse by his verbal assault. If an apology had been made I doubt that we would be having this conversation. The near miss on the dive flag was an accident, but the rude comments were on purpose. Maybe the real question is whether the boat captain is sorry for what he did, or just sorry he got caught. I don’t see where new glasses are going to help much.
Let’s connect the dots on this story. First, the captain violated a dive flag perimeter. While this is in it’s self a very serious infraction, it was made much worse by his verbal assault. If an apology had been made I doubt that we would be having this conversation. The near miss on the dive flag was an accident, but the rude comments were on purpose. Maybe the real question is whether the boat captain is sorry for what he did, or just sorry he got caught. I don’t see where new glasses are going to help much.

I suggest we wait a little longer as we don't have enough of the dots yet, especially from the perspective of the dive op. Those are coming.

Several factors are still undisclosed, such as the visibility of the flag or other factors that caused two other boat drivers to reportedly come too close, how close they came and the nature of the verbal interactions, etc.

Dave C

Thanks for the way you're handling this; with concern, respect and class. From my previous trips down there and seeing how you run your operation, it would have surprised me if you handled this any differently.

Hopefully, you'll be able to conclude your incident investigation soon, be able to focus on running your operation, and not have to spend much more time in forums on the internet.

Thanks, and see you in March.
There are still a number of other forums that have us as irresponsible.

Perhaps I've shown we are not irresponsive on this forum, but unfortunately it still reads irresponsible and even homicidal in other forums I have not even gotten to.

This is the only forum I have entered, the only one that advised me there was an issue, and invited me to respond.

welcome to the www...........................

Hopefully, fairness will prevail in the end, but this process has been shameful and mostly destructive, not constructive.

At least there will be many people to add their views. That should provide some balance. Perhaps the end result will be positive.

Let's hope so.

I'm sure many are looking forward to hearing more from you.

Dave C
Well, I, for one, am of the opinion that this has gotten blown up way out of proportion. In my humble opinion this all started out more as an effort to get satisfaction over an interpersonal altercation than diving per se. The captain should not have violated the space around a dive flag (he probably didn't see it); the OP shouldn't have been shore diving in the Park without a guide (he probably didn't know that). Hackles down, apologies all around, and get on with life. Nobody got hurt; get over it.
There are still a number of other forums that have us as irresponsible.

Perhaps I've shown we are not irresponsive on this forum, but unfortunately it still reads irresponsible and even homicidal in other forums I have not even gotten to.

This is the only forum I have entered, the only one that advised me there was an issue, and invited me to respond.

welcome to the www...........................

Scubaboard is a very large site that needs and has the active involvement of many moderators. Other sites don't have that and are more passive, letting you come to them. Although I know the ScubaToys site has modified the title removing "irresponsible" and your posts here have been relayed there as to the cooperation and resolution in this matter.

After this is all over, I would hope you stick around here. More and more divers are finding these forums and using them to research and plan their dive trips. Several dive ops have found that the best way to gain customers here is to simply participate in discussions and share their knowledge.

BTW, were you an investigator before buying a dive business? :D
Or it could be that everyone involved considers the matter closed and is moving on. It would be nice if all were disclosed here, but I do not feel that we are necessarily owed an explanation. I think I have a pretty good grasp on what happened, anyway. An accident happened (or nearly happened), no one was hurt, but tempers flared on both sides. He said, she said, and the truth is, like nearly always, somewhere in the middle. Move along, nothing more to see here. ;^)
That's pretty much the way I see it. (There I go again, agreeing with your thinking...)
welcome to the www!

the good thing is that by standing up and taking some action (or reflection) you have some loud supporters here and new divers that will be looking you up next time they are down there

the internet can work both ways and i think you have come out of the tunnel clean on this one

Yep. The time I complained about an action by another dive Op's actions on top of my dive, I called the owners first - and then got blasted by the on my thread here, much to support of their many friends here on SB. I would have thot much more of them if they'd handled it like Bill has/is here - probly would have wanted to dive with them next trip. Hehe, I did once - as they were the selected Op for a group function my next trip but that's another story with no place here.
There are still a number of other forums that have us as irresponsible.

Perhaps I've shown we are not irresponsive on this forum, but unfortunately it still reads irresponsible and even homicidal in other forums I have not even gotten to.

This is the only forum I have entered, the only one that advised me there was an issue, and invited me to respond.

welcome to the www...........................
Well, this is the big gorilla in the cyber diver world. You might go to those other boards and threads and simply post that explanations were given here on Sb with a link to this thread. It might be more beneficial to post more, tho - just a thot?
ahhhhhhh - i tend to have my blinkers on when it comes to SB and never considered any of the other forums
The also-rans.... :14:
This needs to be addressed and if found true (good luck with that), I would expect the parties involved to be terminated. I would contact the guests involved to get the "real" story. I doubt you will get the truth out of the folks who may have done this (divemaster / capt.).

I'm looking for a provider during the Mar Spring Break timeframe (I emailed you guys last night) and I am seriously considering going to another provider. We were looking at 21 "dives".

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