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OK, I'm now totally confused by all this "standards" stuff. DCBC, Dan, DD, just what PADI standards are wrong or result in teaching bad diving skills? I'd really like to know because I'm starting another Open Water class this coming Monday and I don't want to teach badly if I can possible help it.
I have no doubt that what you teach will be excellent, and that you will turn out great divers. And guys like you, and some of the local instructors I know here in Palm Beach, are part of this whole confusion with PADI....The confusion is that there ARE some really good instructors, that crank out optimally trained divers.....it is confusing because of the EXPECTATION the public would have from a word like "Standards". The expectation is that there would be a level of skill, ability, comfort, quality of diver that would be turned out by a system with a well defined series of steps to be taught, and the expectation is that each step must be taken, before the next step is reached, and the finished product is predictable over anyone that would be a PADI instructor....
The reality is very different....it is alot like what happened in Liberal Arts colleges back around the mid to late 70's....prior to this, it was all about strict guidelines and hard grades, and if you were between a 3.5 and a 4.0 average, you would be well received in the business or professional world. Then some schools came out with a different plan, pretty much pass or fail, and it was supposed to be a new and better approach to learning....When I was looking at colleges intially in New england, I visited a few of these, but my parents would not consider anything so ridiculous for me. In fact, some students at these schools did quite well later in life--some because there were some individual teachers at some schools, that were incredible teachers....and what was most important was teaching kids how to think and to learn.....However, there were way more average teachers, and huge numbers of kids that picked these schools for the easy pass/fail system, and they were pathetic in what they failed to learn. You might say that if you wanted to go to med school, forget it with one of these pass/fail schools.
Back to PADI....the reality is that the public has no REAL Standard to expect from a PADI instructor....any given step can be "reached" in many different ways....and in a world where one instructor's standard is met for buoyancy when a student kneels and bounces along the bottom alot--but ultimately can make it to the surface....and in that same world, another uses a strictness more in line with GUE levels of buoyancy skills and hovering...in this world there IS NO DISTINCTION between skill levels.....there is no good or bad...only credit card paid, or not paid.
So PADI does have some Rain Man like Instructors, that do a spectacular job....and this has pretty much nothing to do with PADI Standards--these guys/girls are just great teachers. They would be just as good if they were NAUI or NASE or SSI or whatever...the teaching skill is "theirs".
And PADI has huge numbers of pass/fail type instructors, that may or may not see the skill level for each step with as much quality control as "WE" would want or expect. And this same group WILL turn out certified new divers, that are horribly unprepared to survive on their own in the ocean....and they will be told PADI is modular, and now they need to do the AOW, and a host of other classes--also just pass/fail, with no real quality control as to what each skill should really be performed like. Each is open to the interpretation of the instructor. And when the instructor does not know how to kick properly, or the instructor has no idea how to achieve neutral buoyancy without kneeling or lying on the bottom, what do you think this will say about the skills he will impart to his students? This is having a "Lack of Standards".....there is no good expectation....I wish there was a word in the English language I could insert for PADI to replace Standards....it would mean "Lack of Standards"....in a sentence, it would be..." In this course, you must follow our cherished PADI "Lack of Standards" in deciding what skills and what skill levels you will impart to each of your students."
So the deal is, to those of us in diving, that see beyond the massive advertising and PR campaign, we know that PADI Standards are a sick joke, but we also know that there are so many PADI instructors, that there are really alot of great PADI instructors in the world--even if it is just because 10% of a huge number, is still a huge number.
The new potential student, believes the advertising and PR, and thinks PADI is the best way to go....if the student gets lucky, they get someone like you Peter. If they are unlucky, they get a "different" interpretation of "standards", by a very inferior instructor, and they end up diving like one of my horror videos ( which I can post again if you need me to

Standards is the wrong word for what PADI has.