John, regardless of what you have written, or who you have consorted with to write this article; it's only an article!!!! It's only an opinion and has nothing to do with PADI policy!!!!!!!! Why is this so hard for you to understand?????? You do not write PADI policy. If you did, it would be written in the Standards and not in an article...
It does not need to be added to the standards because it does not violate the standards as they are written now! Why should they change something that is already OK as it is?
PADI headquarters has said repeatedly that it does not violate existing standards as they are now written. You have yet to identify a single way in which it violates standards.
---------- Post added July 3rd, 2013 at 05:32 PM ----------
I am trying to imagine how the conversation would go at PADI headquarters for them to do it the way you seem to want it to. It mist go something like this at an executive meeting:
Executive A: Karl, have you fully reviewed the article that was submitted for publication?
Executive B: Yes. In fact, I fully participated in writing it so that it will fully reflect PADI policy. It is a good article, and I endorse it.
Executive A: So everything in it is within existing standards?
Executive B: Completely. There is no standards violation anywhere. Not even a hint.
Executive A: So there is no need to make any changes?
Executive B: None whatsoever.
Executive A: Well, we're going to have to change the standards anyway.
Executive B: Why on Earth would we need to do that?
Executive A: It seems there's these two guys on ScubaBoard, DCBC and DevonDiver. They say that whenever we publish an article in our official professional journal and assure people that there is nothing in it that violates standards, then it must be a violation of standards unless we rewrite the standards later.
Executive B: But that makes no sense whatsoever.
Executive A: It does to them, and until we make the changes, they are going to fill the Internet with warnings to our instructors telling them that if they do what we tell them to do in the profresional journal, and there is nothing in the standards it violates, then it must be a standards violation, and our people will be afraid to do what we tell them to do because they will be afraid we will punish them for it.
Executive B: But if everything is already within the standards, what can we write that would be different?
Executive A: I have no idea.