Flightlead:I don't understand why operators don't do something a more positive. Why not have a stack of numbered discs or something. hand one to each diver as they board. have the diver take it with them on the dive and hand the tag back to the dm when they get back on board after the dive.
This is even a product provide by DAN ... "free to DAN business members", even:
from http://www.diversalertnetwork.org/catalog/index.asp
DIDS (Diver Identification System
No Diver Left Behind)
Free to DAN Business Members, the Diver IDentification
System (DIDS) ensures that dive leaders will always know
that all divers have returned safely from their dives. The
improved system helps divemasters track their divers at all
open-water sites and on charter boats. It is supported by
DAN Donors and DAN Corporate Donors.
Each system consists of 1 or 2 DAN Tag Boards, each in red
or white with 12 numbered DAN Tags, capable of tracking up
to 24 divers at the same time.
Pre-dive, the dive leader assigns each diver an individually
numbered DIDS tag. Before diving, the diver removes the
tag and clips it to his or her BCD. After the dive, the diver
unclips the tag and returns it to the board. The DID System
combined with another diver roll call procedure will help
ensure that no diver will be left in the water.
Make sure none of your divers are left behind! Download the
DIDS Application at www.DiversAlertNetwork.org or contact
the Business Membership team about how you can start
using the free DAN Diver IDentification System. The Diver
IDentification System is funded by DAN Donors.
All I can say about losing divers ... knuckleheaded ... very, very D'oh!