I know what the sticky says, but apparently you do not.Kim:The reason I wrote this was to remind people what is in the sticky at the beginning of the Accidents & Incidents forum. I would ask everyone to re-read that sticky. As it stands now speculation and guesses about real incidents are not allowed and posts that do that have always been pulled and will be in the future.
This is in the sticky: "Accident analysis does not "find fault" - it finds hazards - and how to reduce or eliminate them." As I stated before I think this is just wrong as a general statement about accident analysis. Not always, but sometimes, accidents are caused by someone's mistake. Apparently here on ScubaBoard, it is forbidden to point out that someone made a mistake, because doing so amounts to "finding fault."
However, there is nothing in the sticky to support your assertion that "speculation and guesses about real incidents are not allowed." The only mention of speculation in the sticky is this: "Remember that you cannot read minds. Restrict comments to what happened and how to prevent it, without speculating on what someone else was thinking (or not). The only thoughts you are qualified to share are your own." This is a prohibition on attempted mind-reading, not a prohibition on any and all types of "speculation and guesses". I understand that you are philosophically opposed to "speculation and guesses" but if you are pulling posts for that reason, that amounts to imposing your views on others, not enforcing the forum rules.