wolf eel
[snuggle derek..why are you bent on asking theses questions over and over again?so you can lay the blame on her?you said no one has laid blame ..sure not in so many words but lets face some here have already laid the blame ..only to themselves ..thats all..what diff does it make if she drove or not or where her gear was..you only want an answer so you can lay blame ..well you know theres nothing rong with saying hey someone made a mistake..but who gives anyone here the right to lay blame on anyone..oh i guess it does make some people feel good to lay blame on someone..they get there kicks doing things like that i suppose..]
This is a key point not for blame but to see how far had she tried to get help.
I know to you this seems like pain mongor but to me it is away to see what went wrong and how far. If I completley screw up and just leave my buddy on the bottom then surface with gear on and then dive and over still with my gear on to the shore then walk up and load my gear into the car then drive and get a dive shop worker to come back with me and I am then able to point that diver to the vary spot where he is somethings wrong accept that.
I just re read your response. To say
The part that a person is dead is not just a "hey I made a mistake !" What if ? She screwed up completley sorry but true (fact) a guy is dead who may have had a chance if she had responded in a more responsible way. The fact that gear was not found floating in the lake says she could have moved even faster by ditching her gear. Thats all. At the shore if her gear was lieing about that would also say she moved as fast as she could others may learn from that.[ theres nothing wrong in saying hey someone made a mistake..but who gives anybody the right to lay blame]