Alternate Air Inflator & DIR

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Reaction score
SW of Indianapolis, IN
# of dives
500 - 999
Please excuse my ignorance. What is the DIR position on Alternate Air inflators? I know the alternate around neck with tubing is right where you need it, but isn't the inflator pretty close as well? There is a point where tubing can be used to help hold the reg in the mouth in case of unconsiousness. Any other reasons?
Hey Boogie, you want to field this one?
RDP, you might do a quick search for air2 and see some of the huge rants and heated discussions regarding the air2. general opinion (and mine) is they are a piece of cr*p, go with a bungied backup, it is not jsut about the location, it is about the mechanics.
An alt. air inflator will not work with a proper length inflator hose as its too short. Also, as the inflator hose is bundied to the left shoulder strap, it would not be possible to get to the alt. air without time wasting hassle and the use of both hands (probably).

There is also the issue of dealing with buoyancy control with the alt air in use. There have been similiar discussions on this here.

cancun mark:
RDP, you might do a quick search for air2 and see some of the huge rants and heated discussions regarding the air2. general opinion (and mine) is they are a piece of cr*p, go with a bungied backup, it is not jsut about the location, it is about the mechanics.

Thanks for the search direction. I tried searchs for a few other descriptions, but didn't think to search "air2".
Well...since they are not Scottish...they're...:D
Hey RDP, another thing is that all DIR divers use the same set-up to prevent any confussion as to where a someones gear may be located. If your power inflator is bungied around your neck and your buddy as to access it for what ever reason, he's going to have to search to find it (and would probably never think look under your chin for a power inflator). Just another step they take to insure a safe return home for all.
bubble blower:
Hey RDP, another thing is that all DIR divers use the same set-up to prevent any confussion as to where a someones gear may be located. If your power inflator is bungied around your neck and your buddy as to access it for what ever reason, he's going to have to search to find it (and would probably never think look under your chin for a power inflator). Just another step they take to insure a safe return home for all.

I didn't mean the power inflator would be bungied around the neck. I was comparing the Alt Air power inflator to the DIR practice Alt Air being bungied around the neck. I do see the point of having like equipment in case of emergency.
I didn't mean the power inflator would be bungied around the neck.
Sorry about that, I miss read something in your original post. My bad.

I didn't mean the power inflator would be bungied around the neck. I was comparing the Alt Air power inflator to the DIR practice Alt Air being bungied around the neck.

Then you're comparing an apple to an orange. They are far from being the same.

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