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I'll have to say that the gear exchange was "easier" the second time; especially when there wasn't any "pressure," at least for me. ;)
Good luck on your tests, hope all goes well for you. IF all goes well for me, I'll have my DM card by the time I get back from vacation next weekend.
I took my first written exam on Friday. Physics -- I figured I'd start with the easy one.

I did my 15 minute float on Saturday, and I finished my Internship yesterday.

I should get the rest of the written exams done this week, Rescue Assessment on Thursday night, and demo skills in the pool next weekend.

That will leave me with the equipment exchange and a couple of the swim tests. I'll probably knock those out the weekend after, we've got a bunch of checkouts then (Labor Day weekend).

I'm NOT looking forward to the 400m swim. I'm going to save it for last since it will be my lowest score.
Don't sweat the swim! Do the easy stuff first. The float is an easy 5 points. Push a bit on the snorkel and you can manage a 4; take it easy and you've got a 3. Same advice on the tired dive swim.

Even at worst case, that gives you an 11 going into the swim. All you need to do is finish the swim without drowning and you make the 1 point you need to hit 12.

"And Bob's your uncle! You're in!"

I'd like to confirm it with anyone who actually was a Navy Seal, but one of our classmates reckoned that the qual time for the DM swim were faster than the qual time for the Navy Seal swim. Any KNOWLEDGABLE comments from current or ex-Seal, please?

I think my head is gong to explode from all the studying!

i found the tired diver tow the worst by far , the float was obviously the easiest but the 400m was easier than expected.
I didn't find any of the swims particularly difficult. The tread was really easy and I busted butt on the tired diver tow and the 800 snorkel, so I already had my 12 going into the 400....for that I just tool a leisurely swim, mostly breast stroke with the occasional back stroke and side stroke. All I had to do was finish it without stopping and that's just what I did.
Only 3 exams left now...Physiology, Equipment, and deco/RDP.

Still have to do the 800m snorkel and 100m tired diver.

Mapping project still to do.

Knocking off my continuing ed intern dive on monday night. Still have the rest of my interns to go.

Equipment exchange, 20 skills, float, emergency plan, all knowledge reviews and 5 exams are done.

Getting there...slowly.
I took 3 more written exams tonight, just 2 left -- Decompression Theory and DM Conducted Programs.

3 swim skills, equipment exchange and 20 dive skills for a grade left too. Hopefully I will finish this week.

Study up on the DM manuals provided on the CD. It'll make the DM Conducted Programs exam much easier. I still need to take the Deco/RDP this Wednesday. It feels good to have the harder exams out of the way, including all the required diving, etc. :)

Keep us up to date!

Study up on the DM manuals provided on the CD. It'll make the DM Conducted Programs exam much easier. I still need to take the Deco/RDP this Wednesday. It feels good to have the harder exams out of the way, including all the required diving, etc. :)

Keep us up to date!

The written exams are DONE!

The manuals on the DM CD had all the info I needed for the exam.

For the Deco/RDP exam, make sure you know how to use the wheel. It figures prominently in the exam.

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