Final Exams:
Did all the tests Did really well. Missed 3 questions. Help me remember what they were...
Divemaster Conducted Programs
Supervising Dive Students
???? (I thought I remembered 9...)
2/5 classroom/pool sessions
2/5 Open Water Checkout Dives
Waterskills and Stamina
400 Yard Swim 4/5
15 minute Tread 5/5
800 Yard Snorkel 3/5
100 Yard Tow 3/5
20 basic Skills 1 down 19 to Go
Equipment exchange: Done
Mapping Exercise - Not Done
Underwater Problem Solving - Not Done
Discover Local Diving - Done
Completed Discover Local Diving last weekend. Did okay, but I had six divers in 10' vis, and the instructor kept taking off with the divers. At our turn point, I stopped and waited for everyone to catch up and only saw four of the six. I swam the direction we came from looking for the other two, but I couldn't find them. I surfaced the other four and went back to get the two plus instructor. I still don't know how they got around me, but they just kept going through our turn point.
That's all I can think. Anything I'm missing?