Wow. That's certainly different than my shop. They require at least a year as a practicing divemaster before they'll invite you to the next instructor round. Of course, since NAUI DM is a superset of AI, it's not really the same ball game.My Course Director wants to have everything finished by first of April (we only meet on Wed nights.) and go right into the IDC and take the IE in May.
(NAUI DM is everything of NAUI AI with leading certified divers added on top. From what I read, PADI DM is basically *just* leading certified divers, with PADI AI adding all the instruction aspects after that. That difference makes for a significant divergence in approach between the two.)
Oh, and I jumped in with the students when they did their survival swim/float and did my required 20 minutes. I apparently have large enough lung capacity that I can float myself well, and I spent most of the second half pulling myself along feet-only. (Hey, I was bored.