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I've been chomping at the bit to get started with the NAUI DM course for about a year and a quarter. Last night, we actually had the first classroom session! I've *officially* started!

2007 was certainly not a waste, of course. I went along on every checkout my LDS did, and I learned quite a bit -- the boat briefing certainly isn't going to be a problem. :biggrin: I've built my observational skills, and I've certainly grown in my people skills. (I'm a teacher and a total *ham* disguised as a complete introvert, apparently.) Watching students in the water has been quite enlightening, and I'm sure it will be all the more so when I take on more responsibility than that of just a certified diver on the same boat. I couldn't help but enjoy it when they asked me to watch but not say anything on the boat the last trip so the instructor candidates would have to do everything without help. (I've *absolutely* got *tons* to learn, but you won't get blown O-rings, rigs bungeed to the rail, or unsigned boat manifests past me, at least. ;))

Anyway, I'm humbled by reading the Leadership text and the Standards and Policies manual. It's certainly sobering to see how far you have to go to be who you *will* be. Still, it's ever so liberating to *finally* be underway. Now, all those things I've done my best to learn will actually mean something (although I'm the type to want to have learned them even if simply for academic reasons).

Oh, and after seeing this forum here for *ages*, I finally have the right to post in it! :luxhello:
Good luck to both of you. I'm still working to finish mine, in the latter stages...
I dropped by the shop today to pick up a low-profile swim mask, since the melon-baller goggles I have have become *too* annoying. I mentioned that I did 450 yards in just under 9 minutes this morning (our requirement's 450 yards in 9 minutes flat), and the owner (one of our instructors for the DM course) said I should've called and he'd have timed it.

I told him no worries and no hurry, as I thoroughly intend to do better than just squeaking by, and that was my first self-timed 450 anyway. :D (Plus, I only went full-speed for half of it, plus or minus -- I can work up to full speed for a full 450, I'm sure.)

Incidentally, I know PADI's got a completely different set of watermanship standards than the NAUI-based ones my shop enforces, but are you going to be working on building swimming stamina (or speed), Brian? If we've got a couple of us that are working on that, it may be worth a thread for progress reporting and encouragement. (Otherwise, I'll need to try to get the other one or two people in my DM class onto ScubaBoard... :biggrin:)

That would be an excellent idea!!

I am on the other end of the scale. I have never been a really strong swimmer so I am going to have to work hard on getting the speed I need. The stamina doesn't seem to be as great of a concern as the speed for me. I have swam the 800 yard fin swim and I am doing it in 20 minutes right now.

Long way to go to get to under 13 minutes

I just signed up for PADI DM. I've been training for the stamina tests myself. The snorkel swim is what I'm more worried about at the moment. I've never done any long distance snorkeling and find I waste a lot of energy trying to keep my feet below water. Looking forward to gabbing with my fellow DMCs!

Got my shiny new DM number today! So I guess I am now officially a DM! Hurrah!
Huzzah! Long live the DM! Long live creamofwheat! Huzzah! :D

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, I continue plodding along. :biggrin:

One of my instructors told me the other day that he appreciates my occasional interjections on the topics we're covering. (Even the ones that sometimes distract him, as everyone always learns new things from them.) He said he hoped I was getting something out of the course (I have more, more varied, and more current experience than the others, apparently,... and I'm the consummate bookworm), to which I could only chuckle and wonder how much more I could be learning, as I'm learning a *TON*.
That was my favorite part of my DM course. I knew a lot going in... but I was surprised at how much more I knew coming out.

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