Well, my friend, I printed up your mailing label yesterday and will drop your t-shirts in the mail manana.
You should have received an email message from USPS saying there is a pkg on the way to you. Sorry it has taken so long. There have been some delays out of my control this time and others I've had some say in. I spent way too much time this weekend praying to the porcelain god due to a stomach virus...that is one thing I truly wish I did have the choice of not doing!
Anyway...you should have your t-shirts by the end of the week.

First I thought the Geocache box was by the dam not WP... I went looking for it last summer and never found it but I have the link on my computer at home...
Second, this sounds like the makings of a great novel... We use DebraW's opening nad each add to it... There are enough stable and those not so stable that it could get pretty funny...
Third... John, I don't have my Tshirts yet and while affairs of the heart, finding a lost wedding ring for a 25th anniversay, releasing ashes of a loved one, etc might be good reason for doing this... playing a game with two peoples lives probably isn't...
Stay Thirsty My Friend