Hello All!
I've read this thread with great interest. As, I am the owner of the cache that was hunted!
I went to Lake Travis the same Saturday as our heroes, although I didn't know this at the time.
I brought a buddy with me, to help him find my cache off Windy Point. As we walked down the boat ramp (all geared up), we noticed a kayak in the lake. The kayak was unmanned and sitting directly above my cache. No dive flag visible, but there was what looked like a fishing pole extending from the seat. We noted that it just HAD to be divers, looking for GC1HEGZ.
So, we dove. On the way down, I found a Kayak Dive Flag. Hmmmm... I attached it to my bc and continued down. I let my buddy lead the way and we found and signed the cache.
We putzed around a bit and I signalled my buddy (pointed to the kayak flag, then straight up) that the kayak should be directly overhead. We came up within a few minutes of the kayak captain and his buddy.
I think we scared them a bit! They weren't expecting company.
I returned the flag and we exchanged pleasantries.
These guys did me a good turn. They printed out the page from geocache and laminated it. This was attached to my cache. Now, when muggles inadvertently run accross my cache, they can read all about it!
I will be placing more caches elsewhere in Lake Travis.
Should I post here when I do?