Originally posted by livestodive
Weather was beautiful. There was a little surf though. The wind has been from the NNE and that does affect the visibility.
MSilvia, Bushman and I got out for a night dive this evening at Back Beach. MSilvia forgot to check his tanks before he came, and he only had one tank so we only did one dive [although it got a little late, so we probably wouldn't have done a second anyway]. I also had forgotten my primary light, so MSilvia wasn't the only one with his brain on backwards this morning!
Weather was great, a little chilly. Vis was absolutely terrible, but it was bearable as we got out to deeper water. Surge was present the whole time, but aside of a couple un-announced games of underwater twister when the current hit the surge just right, it wasn't bad. [If the vis was better, we could have been a little farther apart and prevented the U/W twister games!

The turning point of the dive couldn't have been any better. We had been out for about 25 minutes when MSilvia's waved his light around to get our attention. As I swam up, I saw he was looking at a lobster trap. I first saw a 3 way lobster fight [perhaps they were playing their own game of underwater twister], and then I saw the Sea Raven hanging out on top of the trap.
Due to the poor vis, the picture has a lot of backscatter, but it's one of the best of the bunch: