A career as a dive instructor - realistic or idealistic?

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The only money that is in diving is really if you own a dive shop or your into the commercial diving business (especially commercial diving instructors) then there is money to be paid.

Always descending,
Orangelemon, Oh, so you have Justin safely with you in Phuket? Hehe, or safely locked up in a dungeon somewhere? :p

Yes Justin is in the House :) He has only been here one week but is already telling me the best bars and clubs to go to ! I just wish i had time to check them out, although Im hoping for a quick trip to Phuket Town tonight (on Justin's recommendation) wont be out late as im out on the boat with students tomorrow, as long as the weather behaves.

He made me laugh when he described diving conditions around Pattaya as 'perfect' for learning to be an instructor as he said the vis is almost zero and there is a ripping current, if thats not an optimist talking I dont know what is ! He may have a point but there is a lot to be said for learning to be an instructor in better conditions as you have enough to cope with. I prefer the crystal clear and gentle currents (sometimes anyway) of the West Coast of Thailand (Andaman Sea) Although I must admit not to have ventured over that side yet.
Don't let everyone tell you that you can't make money as a dive instructor because it's not true. If you are confined to one area of the world and have a family then yes, it may be hard to make a living as an instructor. If you are young and not tied down (as is your case from what I gather), then you should have no problem finding something that works for you. After I became an instructor, I took a job in the USVI guiding people and I was making about $350 USD a week. That's not a lot but it certainly paid the bills with enough left over to buy a drink after work each day. After that I worked for two years with Norwegian Cruise Line as a diving and snorkeling instructor. I left that job making $2250 a month. That isn't rich but when you live on a ship while you're working and you aren't paying rent, utilities, car insurance, gas, food, etc., $2250 can add up quickly in your bank account. Not to mention the perks of traveling to different exotic locations everyday and eating in fine restaurants almost whenever I wanted to. Each job is going to have different pay and benefits and each location will have a different cost of living. Look around and if you are free to travel, you'll find a place in the diving industry. Good luck!
Orangelemon, Oh, so you have Justin safely with you in Phuket? Hehe, or safely locked up in a dungeon somewhere? :p

Am afraid the Instructor Factory hasnt produced another Cousteau, as he has decided to move on and become an School teacher ! This should be a lesson to others that the average life of a Dive instructor is 2 years and commitment, patience, vision and luck are required to suceed in this business like every other business. Additionally the Dive Business is a PEOPLE business and you can be the best diver / trainer in the world but thats doenst guarantee anything unless you love your customers and treat them all as unique individuals. A factor that I love, wouldnt the world be a boring place if everyone was the same and perfect !
Hi Lisa ,
Have fun on your trip and keep on posting your progress.
I'm planning to do my IDC and IE soon at Mermaids if I can arrange the funds.
I just finished reading all the way through this and I might be a little late in adding my two cents, but I thought I'd toss them into the pot anyhow. I can't speak for the money to be made out of the U.S., but when I was teaching scuba in south FL some years ago I was making decent money - significantly better than I am now as the manager of a retail pool supply store. Between my salary for teaching (paid per student enrolled in group classes), tips from divers on trips, commissions for gear sold in the store, fees for private instruction (we got to keep 100% of that because it was on our own time, so I tried to book a lot of privates!) and whatnot, I averaged about $1000 - $1200 a week.... AFTER TAXES! Not a bad deal for a 20 something year old. I also got to run trips to the Keys and the Bahamas at least once a month... for free. Quarterly we'd get to go to Coz or Cayman too. I don't know if pay structures have changed a lot in the last 15 years, but I'd imagine if they have it would be that they'd increased with inflation. So, if you get yourself highly qualified to teach (with a lot of dives under your belt) and have a great attitude for sales (you've got to be able to get people to want to be in YOUR classes and buy stuff from YOU) there is money to be made IMHO. But it isn't easy. I was working 7 days a week...12+ hours a day... in paradise!
I moved to Thailand to do the same thing. I loved it! But don’t plan on making much money at all. It is a labor of love. I would suggest you plan on supplementing your income somehow. I lasted about 2.5 years until I decided it was time to come back and start making some money again. If you can, do it and don’t look back. You will not regret it and you only live once. If you have any specific questions about the country or my experiences pm me.

Good Luck to you!
Sirenita can you also give us an update on your progress please, I remember checking this forum out regularly to see your progress, its a scuba docusoap :)

James, here is one of my diving stories:


There are more adventures (diving and non diving related) to be found (including some photos) on my blog spot which is:


But, in brief, I am currently nearing the end of a month-long holiday from my dive school, which began with a diving trip to Sipadan, and has ended here on Koh Phangnan, where I am looking forward to seeing a famous full moon party first hand, as a volunteer lifeguard. Then I jet back to Mermaids to take my DM exams starting on the 19th July. Anticipate being a fully fledged DM by August 2nd!
I've just completed my DM in Pattaya, and I reckon that the conditions there are pretty good for training of instructors and DM's, because like it was mentioned the currents are interesting to say the least, and the viz can be down to a metre or two if you get locked in a bad patch. If you can lead dives and find the boat in rubbish like that you can find pretty good in easier conditions. As for teaching of students, while its not the greatest place for them to learn, it sure teaches you up fast on improvising in a given set of circumstances.

Sirenita, how are you enjoying life in sunny Pattaya? I thought it was awesome, although 6 months can get a little hard sometimes, especially with everything pushed at you all the time... I dont know whether he is still there or not but say hello to COlin Stuart for me if he is, he was doing my mentor, and one serious dude during my time at Aquanauts!

Freds :coffee:

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