4th Peace River Camping/Fossiling Trip - 2008

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Roxanne and I would like to thank all those who attended this event. We loved meeting the new fossil hounds and our old friends that make this a annual event we look forward to. Even tho the event ended on a sour note for us, we still had a great time camping and fossil hunting with everyone.

As for the RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL manner in which the campground treated our group. You can be assured that we will be sending a letter to the campsite owner informing them how their staff members acted. We cannot tell them how to run their campsite but we will NEVER again support them with our dollars. In my opinon the management and staff are living in the dark ages and thats proably where they will always stay. Had it been just 1 thing to one person I could say it was isolated but Roxanne and I felt that the RUDE treatment started at check in and continued with various members until we left.

On a brighter note it is only 364 days until next years event.
( camping at a new site to be named )
WOW! What a day. I need to first acknowledge all of the people who showed up to once again make this a fun and interesting event! In true Conch fasion, the open heart and warm comradery prevailed for the day as we all spent an amazing morning and afternoon on the river.

I'm especially proud of the open embracing of my bro-n-law and paw-n-law as part of the group, even if they did find a big meg and we just found small ones or chunks. Post pics with descriptions so we can all learn a little bit more of what was found.. I didn't get to see everyones finds, but I did see some of the cool bits what was found and shown to me. Roxanne, post that purty horse tooth! :D

Regarding the campground, I wish I could apologize for the our choice, but since 3 years of previous great experiences was met this year with some changes which included some of the most inhospitable attitude.. I'm almost emabarassed to state that we made camp there for a second night. Oddly, the hospitality came from those who we normally have been a little stand offish from (the ATV group) when Sharkbaite returned with the car trailer to haul my freshly broken jeep (broke the right rear axel at the C-joint for you jeepers). We had multiple offers of help or assistance of numerous types, including some suggestions for where to look for parts on the cheap to get it fixed. Ironically, I also got to meet one of the local Jeep clubs who seemed to be experiencing the same sort of rude and despecable treatment. It was all hollow rude noise though, the little old fella who tried to use a Disney analogy with me couldn't hold eye contact.. barely any in fact. I'm not speculating what their root problems are, but judging from the comments of the Jeep guys and even a few of the ATVers, I would be surprised to see it continue for long if they wish to keep the grounds open. Personally, I'll never plan a trip to Peace River Camp Ground again, there are some other options that are available and I'm willing to explore those.

So, my day is finally coming to an end... the Jeep is safe at Sharkbaites, the trailer was returned, the kids are annihilated and asleep, the dog is out.. Kris is getting ready to pass out again.... Whatcha doin next weekend y'all?
I will agree with Dennis and Colin's dictation of a great time with fellow conch's, Everyone had a good time and many items were found, to include another family that was there for their first hunt found a very nice Meg.... Beginners luck as we told Mark. Again I can't thank him enough for coming out for yet another year of fossiling. Roxanne and Dennis, what a wonderful dinner everything was good, I went back for seconds and it was well lets just say the dogs didn't event get to get any. It WAS GONE......

As for us, we had a good time although Jenn bout froze to death Sat night, I told her she needed to get a sleeping bag that it was going to be cold, she said she didn't like em and that she had her blanket. I told her "OK", and waitied for Sat night to come around. At some point she woke me up saying that she was freezing and for me to move over so she could try and snuggle in my sleeping bag, which has enough room for one. She ended up finding a way in and HOLY COW, the term sleeping with a popsickle has taken on a new meaning for me, I went from being warm and cozy to freezing my arse off, NOT FAIR.... anyhow she managed and the kids had a good time and didn't want to leave sunday. the trip to north port was slow and uneventful to get the trailer for Colins broken jeep to haul back to my place. I will be putting a notice on the jeep if its not fixed in 48 hours it belongs to the person who towed it, and of course you have all the associated towing and storage fees to go along with it :rofl3: LOL

Thanks to those who came out and next year, Lets look at doing the Canoe trip with the camping on someone elses property. We can look at the Canoe Outpost for next year and see what they have to offer. We can canoe and fossil while we make our way to camp and you can hit some spots many don't really get to unless your a really avid hunter....

Now on to the Bad NEWS:shakehead:

Peace River Camp Grounds, should be outlawed for its lack of customer service and also a lack of respect. Their ATTITUDE in which the way every one was greeted with SUCKED, First with the reservations, to the check inns, Sudden changes in prices for the deposit for a group event, and ther variable prices we all paid. Everyone save their pass so we can hold them liable for price gouging. The rude office staff, Then of course there was the Security NAZI's riding around in the pretty red shirts all over the place, I have never before seen so many at this camp ground in 20+ years. Personally I think they were wearing the red in case someone was to take a pop shot at em you wouldn't notice that you got a hit.....

After the events that took place Satuday evening, the response from the Verticly and horizontally challenged security Nazi, His comments to the group were RUDE and very uncalled for and his head master was even more crude, and not very apolagetic to the comments that the Horizontally challenged Nazi made. He did not offer to resolve the problem with him, instead he just smiled and shrugged it off. I am suprised he didn't kick my butt to the curb, as I wasn't very kind with the words I used describing his staff and his way of dealing with the problem at hand. For the rest of the evening they were constantly riding around checking on us... Too bad the kids used all the mini marshmallows, we could have had some fun with em,...

I personally will NEVER use this place for any event and will NO LONGER give them any referals.
We the boys and I had a great time other than Sat evenings upset with the grounds keeper and his bull crap. This was the first camping trip my kids had ever been on and they had a blast came back with no ticks or chiggers which was nice:D They climbed trees, went fossiling which Tyler and Denis got with Mark so they got more than I but hey I'm not 8 and 10 and cute as a button. But I did find all kinds of neat stuff.

I didn't get lost untill I made it to the campground which was GREAT. Which brings me to the BAD PEOPLE of the CAMPGROUND :peepwalla: I have never in my life run into the most rude bunch of poodunks in my life
I go to check in they have no idea were we are camping or the price they should charge. I get charged way over the cost but I think it's ok I'm happy I made it without gettig lost. ( I'm still in my glory that I made it). I ask how to I find them they say they are in the very back:confused: Whats the very back I ask OH you have never been here I see :11doh:So they tell me to find this road and they will be camping soemwhere down in there. :11: I'm thinking it's 8:30 ish dark the woods and now starting to ran Again I think I made it so no big deal I will try and if I don't find it I will call and they can come and get me. Which they did after about 30min of running around in the woods. Thanks Brain

Come Sat I want to rent a golfcart for the kids. Because there are 4 yr. olds drivig around on ATV's and golcarts so I think rent one for the kids after fossiling so they can have fun and give the adults time to relax. So I go up to the front office around 3:30p and tell the lady I would like to rent a golf cart for the remainder of the day:shakehead: ( remember we are dealing with pooduncks from hell ) She says we rent them by the hours I say ok I would like to rent it for the remainder of the day and when should we return it. She's :confused: she say's we only rent them for 1 hour but we do rent them by the day and it's $100 for the day. OK I think I'm getting somewhere with this lady:shakehead:. I said ok it's 3:30 how much would it cost me for the rest of the day. She say's we only rent them by the hour
again I'm getting no where. I SAID OK I'LL RENT IT FOR THE HOUR she say's that great let me get the paper work for you:D she comes back and say's you have to have it back in one hour and at that time you can rent it for another hour if you would like, now I'm :confused: so I tell her can I rent it for 2 hours:blinking: no we only rent them by the hour at this point I just want out of there, I realize I am dealing with someone who's education could not have been over the first grade.
I tell her we are camping in the back 40 so we may be a little late getting it back up by 5 min or so she say's that's ok honey you take your time.
I'm not going there I think to myself. So all the kids get in I drive back to the campsite the kids are having fun following all the rules we gave them to have the Inn Keeper stop them and have them bring back the golfcart as we are watching this whole thing becasue tehy were only 200 yards from us as they were told to be. He say's you have to have a licensed driver in the cart when they are driving it. I'm thinking here goes a 4 yr old by as he is talking to us by himself and all these other kids but our kids can't drive around a cart right in front of us, but we say ok and Dennis agrees to go with the kids.
Take the cart back in 1 hour and get a ride back to the campground being followed by a pooduncks wondering why we get back and they ask who car is this and we tell them and they say they are not on the list for camping we say it's because they are not camping they are only here to eat dinner and than they will be leaving, they say who invited these people for dinner so Denniis speaks up and say's I did, he proceeds to read him his rights on the park rules and how they sould have went to the office and checked in first we are all confused because theya re not staying why would they need to check in for 2 hours before they go home. So we think OK have them check in and be done with it..:11: NO we want these people to leave and the couple that have invited them to dinner to leave well that's not right. We try to explain that these people were not camping they came in only to eat with us and they were leaving, he gets mad and sends in there whole poodunck family to make sure they leave they give them 20 min to pack up and leave well they had cooked us dinner so most everything they had was on the fire and hot they had at least one hour of packing if they worked like crazy maybe they could get out in an hour. We werew all made and did what we could to change there minds but they were not going to budge. So Dennis and Roxanne had to leave because they offered dinner to another SB couple.
Sunday rolls around and they watched us like hawks like we were going to steal a tree or something.

For the Trip and being around everyone we had a blast but for wanting to go bacck to this place never again they were very rude people and would not leave us alone all night they were coming around our site. We were in bed and they were still coming around which I thought was rude because we were trying to sleep.

I did have fun and now thinking about the Jenny Springs Trip next month.
I wouldn't even use the words poodunks to describe them...... that make the rest of us southerners look bad LOL..... they were just... well Everyone that was there know what my words for them are, and HEY maybe if they can get a internet class and learn to use a computer maybe they can read this after a brief english lesson on manners and proper etiquette......
Chiming in here. I agree with all that has been written. We had a really good time, except for Saturday night. No amount of diplomancy would have worked with those yahoos. And the rates we were charged were all different. How could I end up be charged an extra $1 per night (ok, not a big difference) for our special rate? Huh?
I think the worst part was having to pay $15 for the 3 things of wood on Sunday morning, each bag only having 4 small pieces apiece. They will no longer get any of my money.
On a brighter note, we did have fun. Going to Wally World on Sat night with the girls to get warmer sleep wear, leaving the boys behind with all the kids ( :D), good food on Friday and Saturday night, fun day fossiling, and Charlie having a blast. I have learned it is impossible to sleep on an air mattress with an excitable dog! LOL. He is still recouperating! Thanks all for helping wear him out!
Next year, new site, new adventures.
Oh, and Becky... it's all your fault! :D :rofl3:
Not my fault I had bad luck run my way also locking my car keys in the car waiting for AAA to come and when he arrives he thinks your dog is going to eat him now that was funny:rofl3: But of course I should not have said what else could go wrong:shakehead: so maybe it was my fault I don't know, but I meant no harm.

Next trip is Gennie Springs so my mouth will be shut the whole time I promise.
Hey I am following you if your going. I love that way you went and it was so easy for me I didn't get lost or anything even stopped at Cracker Barrell for dinner OH OH I did get turned around coming out but my son Denis said mom where are we going I said home honey he said not this way were not you went out the wrong road (we were on Krome Ave):rofl3: So I turned around and went back the other way out the front of Cracker Barrell . I love my kids they are really cool.
Can anyone tell me about Peace River Camp Ground? Thinking about going camping there.... lol

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