2nd Annual Conch Fossiling Expedition guided by Mark Renz! April 1, 2006

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I unfortunately have to work that whole weekend:crying: We had a blast last time even though we only hung out with the campers around the fire but didn't stay the night. As far as hotel info there is a Days Inn (I think that's it) anyway, it's a major chain hotel, East of the Burger King that we met at last year. It's next to the Wal-Mart at SR31 and SR 70. There's a Sonic there also:wink:

Well have a couple :cheers: for me around the ol' campfire.

Arcadia is Not that big of a town.
Granted I doubt you will find lodging within walkin (stumbling) distance.
I do believe there are a few lodging establishments.

My only concern is, I -like- camping for the reason of getting away from things,
especially TVs, boom boxes, etc. My mission = UNWIND!

Simply put ... any TVs near the firepit are free game as to becoming firewood. :wink:

I'd be -very- disappointed if this event became a mass exodus to the hotels.

I'm with you SFL, but the whole hotel thing started as leverage to try to get my wife to go (wife -> not-a-camper). Jenny and I were just shooting some ideas out there. The children and I are still bringing the tent.
I want to go! Might have a bunch of people going including some teens to team up with Hermit Crab

Go hit the "sign up" link in the first post and get yourself counted in! We're in negotiations with PRCG at the moment to see what kind of rate we can get. :)
I want to go, but I'm scheduled to work.. I'm going to try to change that if i can..... I did not get to go last year.
I finally made it online to read.... I will be there as usualll.... I hope we can get into the same area as last year, as that was a nice spot Kris and I found..

Let me know as the time gets closer as to what we would like or a list of things to bring, I will of course be bringing the portable car port thingy, for shade as it worked well last year.

See ya'll soon
Hi, All!

Okay, fossil portion is $35 per person while camping is $8 per person per night. I believe these were the same rates as last year. Peace River Campground requires a $100 deposit to hold our spot, so we need to get that in as soon as possible. Mark likes to get his money ahead of time as well, although he did accommodate a few stragglers last year. We used Paypal last year, but it ended up getting sticky towards the end because of how long it took the funds to transfer from Paypal to our account. I was biting my nails. :wink:

This is my thought, so let me know if you're comfortable with this...

Send a personal check, payable to Kristie Bulla, with a note letting me know the details of what the check is for to 1707-4 Park Meadows Drive, Ft. Myers, FL 33907. I will then snail mail you or email you (your preference) a receipt. Just so you know, I will NOT be depositing the checks I receive until probably the week or so before the trip, so mid- to late-March. Please keep this in mind as you are reconciling checkbooks and such. I would still like to start receiving payments as soon as possible just so I don't get nailed with everything all at once at the last minute. I will deposit enough to cover the $100 deposit for the camping portion. The deposit can be refunded or just put towards our final bill, so I will keep track of whose camping money went towards the deposit to make sure they get properly credited.

I cannot wait for this trip!!

Does anybody out there have a Xavier-sized wetsuit we could borrow?? He's in a 3T. That water was pretty darned chilly! Thanks!

Love, Kris
Very cool!
Kris, I have a small wetsuit, it may still be a little big for Xavier, but I will bring it anyways. Are the kids @$35 each also for the fossiling? I don't remember what the deal was last year.
The camping..two nights, Friday and Saturday, right?
Yes, ma'am... $35 for everybody since he's already discounting it so much off the normal $65 price. Thanks for the wetsuit. It may help, or maybe there will be another kid who can use it.

Love, Kris
Our check is going out in the mail this morning. Roxanne said she will make potatoe salad for our community side dish in case you have started a list on that also. Can't wait it was such a blast last year. Please let me know if we need to help with other things.
We have you covered on chips and some soda's, also have millions of plates, cutlery and cups too. We have overstocked a few times in the last 6 months for various parties and have plenty to go around. Might also make something, who knows....

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