2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Burpees = crazy time. I have seen them done by others & that is some kind of hardcore. Congrats on doing 30 of them WB!

Saturday 1/16/10 - Weather permitted so my best friend and I were able to get out on a bike ride for about 1 hour and 40 minutes of ride time. Total distance 18.4 miles including some pretty challenging hills - so I feel whooped. HRM indicates just over 1000 calories - although not sure about that. Regardless, it was fun times.

I've avoided burpees for the better part of a year now, using my shoulder as an excuse. Guess it's time for me to step up to the plate... lol

Glad you're able to get out for some real rides.... I have a hard time making myself ride the bike attached to the trainer... just not the same being inside.
Not much heart pumping exercise this weekend. Though I was in the 50° river yesterday digging for fossils. That has to count for something. And today, what's left of it, I am starting the next section of spackling/texturing the walls in the bedroom.
Well, for the past two days I have got up at 5.30am (before it is light) and headed off to the local Forest Park.
On both days I did a 5 mile brisk walk.

It is beautiful at this time of the morining; the day begins in a kind of dusky grey and then the sun starts to paint colour onto the sky. All the trees and flowers join in with a complete riot of greens, reds, purples and pinks. Around this time all the tropical birds wake up for a good old screech.
There is a troop (?) of gibbons that lives high up in the canopy and they start yelling and whooping at about 6.15 am.
It's wonderfully noisy and very jungly.

What a fantastic way to exercise!

Tomorrow I fancy a nice long bike ride and swim.
Don't ya just love those cheeky little endorphins??
Lots and lots of walking & kicking with big tanks - staying in shap but happy to return to the gym & pool in a week ;-).
ladylarkle, that sounds like a wonderful walk! I am there with you virtually! Next time take pics.

Hmmm.... I think way back when Almitywife started the challenge (maybe a previous thread?), she took pics of where she walked.

Today wasn't so much of a workout day as it was just an active rest day and a day to tinker with some new skills and work on stretches.

5 minute Row: 822 meters

GHD Situps with a nice long hanging stretch at the bottom before lifting back to the top

I've never tried Kettlebell Windmills before, so I watch the videos and read the drills. While primarily aimed at the obliques/core area, I wanted to engage my shoulders through a range of motion.

My first attempt was with a 10# Kettlebell (KB) with 5 reps per side (left/right). My shoulder had been tight and a bit achy prior to the attempt, but felt remarkably well after doing the skill!

Rowing for Moderate Intensity:
5 Minute row: 1081 meters

More KB Windmills with increasing weight:
25# KB, 3 reps/side. This was more challenging than the 10#.
35# KB, 1 rep/side. This was quite challenging and actually was a bit straining to my right shoulder.

GHD Back Extensions:
10 Reps, focused on a strong pull and pause at the top, lifting my torso well above parallel for a nice hamstring effort.

Achilles Stretches:
Continued working my tight Achilles, particularly on the left side, to get better form/positioning at the bottom of the squat.

Potato squats with a 40# dumbell:
Strict attention to upright back position and angling the shins out over the toes.

I see that the KB windmills have some great potential as a shoulder warmup prior to Olympic Snatches or other shoulder-related lifts. I just need to keep the weight light as I adjust to the new movement.
Did my run routine at the doggie park, then came home and finished up with the wii fit. I looked and the graph and noted that I have only lost 3 lbs. Wow. That was depressing. Then I noticed I could change the settings to one month instead of one week, and I am down almost 10!!!! Whoo hooo!!!!
See, Jenny, it's all about how you look at it!! :D

I have a day at my desk today, three articles - one deadline.
But if I can unchain myself later on I shall be doing a nice long beach walk at dusk.

I'll try and remember to take some pics when I can of the places I get to.

Whoo hoo, aren't we doing well between us? I reckon in a month we will have lost the equivalent weight of an airline hostess (not one that works for Continental, though! :chuckle:).
We should treat ourselves to a KFC belly buster to celebrate!! :drunks:

....just kidding.....

But the rum sounds good. :drunks:
Weighed in at 225 this morning, down 3 lbs from last week and my average heart rate is coming down too; this morning's resting heart rate 59 - not bad for an out-of-shape old geezer.

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