2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Thursday 1/14 - Cycling class (60 minutes) this morning. Worked on being in the lower, fat burning range with my HR. Did pretty good and still worked up a good sweat, burning about 500 calories. Good times. Now time for work.
wii fit for an hour last night. Nothing intense, but steady.

running again tonight after work at the park. Bringing a watch this time.

1/2 marathon couple weeks away. Goal is to finish.
WOW! What an awesome workout! According to my handy dandy watch, the routine is apporx 31 min long, took over 4500 steps, and spent 343 calories! The last round of running, I went my fastest of all laps. Then I went home and played some balance games and yoga on the wii fit. Good stuff. I feel really good.
Oh, I am also on a low/no carb food intake this week.. just to see how it affects me. So far, I like it.
I ran up Elephant mountain; in all the 3 years I lived in Taiwan I was never well enough to do it, so it was a real achievement for me.

When I got to the top, I shouted "F@CK YOU, MOUNTAIN!!" and felt bloody marvelous!!

Distance to top: 600m
Calories burned: No Idea
Smugness and Woo-Hoo!! Factor: 110% :banana:

Biking and hiking on Saturday, hopefully calves will stop hurting by then!!
You ladies are doing great! Keep up the good work.

I took Wednesday as a much needed rest day.

10 minute Row: 1820 meters (I covered the monitor and just rowed until the timer went off so that I wouldn't get competitive... lol)

Behind the Neck Press, Snatch Grip 5 x 3

Overhead Squat 7 x 5

Front Squat 7 x 5 (Coach is drilling me hard on upright back positioning in the Front Squat and Overhead Squat)

Hang Power Snatch 4 x 5

Hang Power Clean 4 x 1 (Back had taken too much pounding and I was out of gas after the Front Squats, so I called it a night).

Penny went on to finish 3 more sets of the Power Cleans and then a couple of sets of Romanian Deadlifts.

Just didn't have what it took to finish the workout, but what I was able to do, I stayed focused on and it felt good.
I ran up Elephant mountain; in all the 3 years I lived in Taiwan I was never well enough to do it, so it was a real achievement for me.

When I got to the top, I shouted "F@CK YOU, MOUNTAIN!!" and felt bloody marvelous!!

Distance to top: 600m
Calories burned: No Idea
Smugness and Woo-Hoo!! Factor: 110% :banana:

Biking and hiking on Saturday, hopefully calves will stop hurting by then!!

Awesome!!! CONGRATS!!!! Now I want to do it!!!
(sounds like the Grouse Grind in Vancouver)
Phew, mixed day today fraught with many dangers and difficulties!!
Short story long: I'm a restaurant reviewer for a local newspaper and today they are sending me to a 5* Chinese place.:japanese:
This means I will be presented with a selection of their finest (read: most fattening and indigestible) dishes.
So, after I have offended everyone by refusing the shark fin soup (nope, not gonna eat that, sharks are my friends) and stuffed myself with ton and half of oily noodles :coolingoff:, I am going on an hour's hike in the hills.

Hopefully I will puke early on and then I can enjoy the rest of the hike in peace.

The better news is that I get to do a Spa review on Tuesday..... oh, the agony!! :)

Anyhow, I'm keeping mobile and motivated.
Keep it up everybody, you are all amazing!!

Rach xx
Sounds like a great gig! Glad you refused the sharkfin soup though.

Friday 11/15 - 32. minute run with my best friend and her pup. 15 minute walk home afterwards. Tomorrow we are going to go for a long bike ride if the weather permits...
Friday: Rest Day


5 minute Row: 856 meters

30 Burpees* for time: 4:11

Should have used a sun dial instead of a stop watch. Those sucked and left me gasping!!

*Burpees as performed:

  • Stand with your feet at hip-width.
  • Drop straight down onto your hands and kick your feet straight back (into a pushup position).
  • Move immediately into a pushup.
  • As you complete the pushup, immediately jump your feet forward between your hands.
  • Rise straight into a jump.
  • As you land, absorb and drop straight down into another repitition.
  • Repeat for a specified number of reps.
Burpees = crazy time. I have seen them done by others & that is some kind of hardcore. Congrats on doing 30 of them WB!

Saturday 1/16/10 - Weather permitted so my best friend and I were able to get out on a bike ride for about 1 hour and 40 minutes of ride time. Total distance 18.4 miles including some pretty challenging hills - so I feel whooped. HRM indicates just over 1000 calories - although not sure about that. Regardless, it was fun times.

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