2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Elliptical's a great workout ... I also did a 30-minute workout on one this morning. Pushed it harder than ever, clocking a 400-calorie burn. When I started doing this a few weeks ago I could barely push it to 250 on a 30-minute schedule.

Mix it up with a stair climber. They kick butt too.
have fun on your vaccy, Bob. Dive safe! Lookiing forward to a trip report!
15# Turkish Getups 4/side, alternating sides each rep, x2 sets

Circuit using 50# KB
1/2 renegade row x 5/side
Push Press x 7 /side
1/2 renegade row x 2/side
Push Press x 4 /side

This workout looked easy on paper, but I think that using the 50# kettlebell for the circuit really kicked my butt!!
Whoo hoo!! What a run!!! Again my 3:1, 7 reps, 52 min total, 7519 steps! Did two laps walking between rep 6 and 7. Actually, was done after 6, and as I was walking the second cool down lap, I decided I felt good enough to do another rep!
Took the camera and will try to upload some pics tomorrow.
I put off Week 2 Day 4 of the KB challenge last night. I'd done a lot of packing and hauling of boxes of books and magazines from the basement and 2nd floor to the garage. The joys of prepping for real estate sales.

Glutes and hammies got some good squat work though!
Been diving for the past few days, doubs, swell, surf entry - deffinately exercise - 7ft vis, 6-7 ft surge.

Going for it tomorrow, so if conditions are the same or better -- we are on :)!!
have fun Kathy!!! better you than me! LOL

I woke up this morning in no shape to exercise, but I committed myself to running at the park. As I trudged around the first lap walking, then 3 laps at a slow jog, I contemplated what I ate yesterday. All junk food. No wonder I am so sluggish. Still, I was determined to get some sprints in. So I did 1:1s. Goal was to do 5. I made 4. I found a weakness!!!!
Hi all. I have spent the last three days snowboarding in Lake Tahoe - each day between 4 and 6 hours. My legs are spent! Managed to rally and hit the gym this morning doing 33 minutes on the treadmill (20 walking; 10 running; 3 cool down) and 20 minutes on the spinner bike. Took 10 minutes to do ab work and then stretching afterwards. Good times.
Exhausted, but I passed!! :)
Congrats Kathy!!!!

Sarita, sounds like fun all that snowboarding. Some day....

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