2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Seems that people work up an appetite when exercising and sometimes eat more than they realize... <snip>.

Boy howdy! I am ravenous after working out ... seems like I want to eat everything in sight! <snip>
... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Hmm seems to be a theme, and after Friday night's awesome run, I indulged in some pizza. .a few pieces. I was hungry!!!! Then Saturday.. well, could have eaten a lot healthier... Guess I really need to pay more attention to what I am eating. thought I was doing OK, but guess not.

Tonight one hour on the wii, light exercise. 3525 steps in 30 min.
Jenny... recently I've started watching my weight (go up... LOL), but for the most part last year I didn't give a S##!

You may want to focus on "Fitter, Faster, Stronger" and let the weight fall where it may... not saying to ignore what you're eating, but don't let a few pounds get you down (or up... lol)... that's one of the reasons that I occasionally monitor key workouts (like Max weights or faster times) to see if I'm making overall improvements that wouldn't show up on the scales.

Keep at it and have FUN!!!
Thanks for the encouragement, but it seems like no matter how much I work out, I am not losing any weight, even gaining.. and not losing in inches either. It's like my metabolism is in reverse.. or at best stopped. The 10 lbs I lost that I was ecstatic about a few weeks ago? 4 is back! The BMI on the Wii fit has the same number 4 times!!! There comes a point where the balance in eating enough to keep active.. I gain. If I cut back, even if eating healthier, I get really fatigued. Was running 3x week and I gained weight, and wasn't recovering from the workouts.

AARRGGGHHH.. This is so frustrating. I wish I could see more progress...At the rate I'm going, by the time I lose 30 lbs, I will need to run 5 miles a day to keep it off..
Hi all! So, I agree with WB - let the weight fall where it may. You know you are exercising and trying to eat better. Have a pizza day every now and again - just remember how to get back to healthy eating. My husband's been reading a book about procrastination and one of the best tidbits was that, if you fall off (diet, project, exercise, whatever), you just start again the next day. That projects, diets, etc. are full of new beginnings. Don't beat yourself up about it.

On a different note. Sunday was the triathlon. Here's my report:

Packet pick-up was the Friday before the event, and nervously I claimed my bib. Standing amongst the graceful, slender bodies of 18-22 year old college triathletes, I felt heavy and seriously out of place. I grabbed my bag and only half heard instructions - excited but self-conscious. Saturday morning, however, I woke up with a start - excited and energized, chomping at the bit to go for a light, 30 minute bike ride. That night, I set up my transition area to ensure that I had everything. I packed my bike, wetsuit and gear then went to bed. Amazingly, I slept well.

Race day and it&#8217;s 5:20 a.m. and the alarm is going off. Groan. Showered, I ate some oatmeal and hit the road. Best friend along side we merrily made our way south to the event. We arrived on time and I immediately felt the butterflies. We pulled out our bikes and made our way into the transition area where I grabbed my spot amongst the racks, greeting the few others who had made it there already. Set up, we went to get our chips and get marked. This was it. With so much awe, I watched the volunteer write &#8220;574&#8221; on my arms and then on my legs - I felt giddy. It was official - I was here and I was doing this.

After the briefing, we suited up and started the long (1/4 mile) walk to the swim start. The swim was a deep water start requiring all participants to swim about 100 meters out into the middle of the harbor. No sweat. Soon the first wave was off and my confusion as to the swim course was quickly cleared. After about 20 minutes, I finished donning my wetsuit, earplugs and swim cap and was standing on the mat with all the other under-40 women, again with my best friend beside me. Down the ramp and into the chilly waters of the Bay. Splashing some water onto my face, I began doing breast stroke to allow my body to fully acclimate before doing crawl. Unfortunately, the &#8220;breather&#8221; provided to all other waves was not given to our wave, and before I reached the start, they had started our wave off (and trust me, I was not in the tail end of the group of swimmers). Frantically, we all pushed ourselves through the start line and onto the course. Having pushed at the outset, I was out of breath within minutes of starting the swim. So I floated for a minute, allowing myself to catch my breath whilst waiting for my best friend. Soon I was swimming again and quickly found my rhythm in the water. As I rounded through the first turn, I could see the swim finish and hear the cheering. I felt awesome.

Out of the water, I walked-ran the length to the transition area and in what seemed like no time, was ready for the bike ride. Having made a prior plan to wait for my best friend, I waited. When she arrived at her bike, we decided I would go ahead as she is a faster cyclist. I grabbed my bike and ran out of the transition area, mounting as I wished another cycling a good ride.

The bike portion was 3 loops on flat course around the local area. Scenery wise it was lacking, but it gave me ample opportunity to check out all the outfits of the cyclists who gracefully passed me by. Soon the course was emptying as I realized more and more people were onto the run. Not bothered, I savored the moment - ecstatic that I was doing my first tri only 6 months after having taken up jogging, and soon - I was done with my three laps.

Heading into the transition area, I reached the dismount area. As soon as my first foot made contact with the ground, my leg forgot the feeling of solid ground and quickly gave out. Whoops! Down I went, without grace, but - somehow - able to brace myself and I didn&#8217;t get injured. At my transition area, I racked my bike, grabbed some water and some GU and took off, best friend just behind me. Into the run I felt so sluggish. I suppose it was in part to the fact that, according to my best friend, I blasted out of the transition. What can I say?! I was AMPED! Unfortunately the energy was not sustainable for more than 1/2 a mile (if!) and we resorted to a run-walk approach for the remainder of the 5k. We finished though and, in the end, we crossed the finish line with much happiness and joy. Still waiting for the official times to be released, but I will share when it gets posted.

My friend's video is here: Login | Facebook

Monday 3/1 - Day off from exercising.

Tuesday 3/2 - Cycling class. 56 minutes in the saddle with stretching and cool down afterwards. Approximately 570 calories.
Great to hear you are getting in shape! Fun diving I hope?!

Getting ready for Port Hardy. Cheng upgraded her photo setup to include a strobe (YS27DX) and I was helping her learn how to use it.

We leave Friday for PH ... will be incognito for a week or so, as they have no internet service up there (not that there'd be time to use it anyway).

Did an extra-long 1.5 hour workout this morning ... 45 minutes of strength training and 45 minutes of cardio.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Jenny... recently I've started watching my weight (go up... LOL), but for the most part last year I didn't give a S##!

You may want to focus on "Fitter, Faster, Stronger" and let the weight fall where it may... not saying to ignore what you're eating, but don't let a few pounds get you down (or up... lol)... that's one of the reasons that I occasionally monitor key workouts (like Max weights or faster times) to see if I'm making overall improvements that wouldn't show up on the scales.

Keep at it and have FUN!!!

I made a similar decision. For sure, weight loss is in my goals ... but converting body fat to muscle is going to mean your actual weight's going to be going in both directions for a while.

I decided to stop obsessing over the weight thing and just concentrate on getting more fit. I weigh myself once a month ... same time as I take the body fat measurement.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Thanks for the encouragement, but it seems like no matter how much I work out, I am not losing any weight, even gaining.. and not losing in inches either. It's like my metabolism is in reverse.. or at best stopped. The 10 lbs I lost that I was ecstatic about a few weeks ago? 4 is back! The BMI on the Wii fit has the same number 4 times!!! There comes a point where the balance in eating enough to keep active.. I gain. If I cut back, even if eating healthier, I get really fatigued. Was running 3x week and I gained weight, and wasn't recovering from the workouts.

AARRGGGHHH.. This is so frustrating. I wish I could see more progress...At the rate I'm going, by the time I lose 30 lbs, I will need to run 5 miles a day to keep it off..

Same thing happened to me ... all the weight I lost two years ago crept right back up. My trainer said it's common if you keep doing the same exercises over and over, because your body adapts to those exercises. That's why he's changing my workout routine every few weeks, and having me concentrate on three or four different workouts over the course of a week ... each one focusing on different muscle groups.

Sounds complicated, but it isn't really ... might be worth your while, Jenny, to consider getting a personal trainer to help you set up a program that works for you.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hi all! So, I agree with WB - let the weight fall where it may. You know you are exercising and trying to eat better. Have a pizza day every now and again - just remember how to get back to healthy eating. My husband's been reading a book about procrastination and one of the best tidbits was that, if you fall off (diet, project, exercise, whatever), you just start again the next day. That projects, diets, etc. are full of new beginnings. Don't beat yourself up about it.

On a different note. Sunday was the triathlon. Here's my report:

Packet pick-up was the Friday before the event, and nervously I claimed my bib. Standing amongst the graceful, slender bodies of 18-22 year old college triathletes, I felt heavy and seriously out of place. I grabbed my bag and only half heard instructions - excited but self-conscious. Saturday morning, however, I woke up with a start - excited and energized, chomping at the bit to go for a light, 30 minute bike ride. That night, I set up my transition area to ensure that I had everything. I packed my bike, wetsuit and gear then went to bed. Amazingly, I slept well.

Race day and it’s 5:20 a.m. and the alarm is going off. Groan. Showered, I ate some oatmeal and hit the road. Best friend along side we merrily made our way south to the event. We arrived on time and I immediately felt the butterflies. We pulled out our bikes and made our way into the transition area where I grabbed my spot amongst the racks, greeting the few others who had made it there already. Set up, we went to get our chips and get marked. This was it. With so much awe, I watched the volunteer write “574” on my arms and then on my legs - I felt giddy. It was official - I was here and I was doing this.

After the briefing, we suited up and started the long (1/4 mile) walk to the swim start. The swim was a deep water start requiring all participants to swim about 100 meters out into the middle of the harbor. No sweat. Soon the first wave was off and my confusion as to the swim course was quickly cleared. After about 20 minutes, I finished donning my wetsuit, earplugs and swim cap and was standing on the mat with all the other under-40 women, again with my best friend beside me. Down the ramp and into the chilly waters of the Bay. Splashing some water onto my face, I began doing breast stroke to allow my body to fully acclimate before doing crawl. Unfortunately, the “breather” provided to all other waves was not given to our wave, and before I reached the start, they had started our wave off (and trust me, I was not in the tail end of the group of swimmers). Frantically, we all pushed ourselves through the start line and onto the course. Having pushed at the outset, I was out of breath within minutes of starting the swim. So I floated for a minute, allowing myself to catch my breath whilst waiting for my best friend. Soon I was swimming again and quickly found my rhythm in the water. As I rounded through the first turn, I could see the swim finish and hear the cheering. I felt awesome.

Out of the water, I walked-ran the length to the transition area and in what seemed like no time, was ready for the bike ride. Having made a prior plan to wait for my best friend, I waited. When she arrived at her bike, we decided I would go ahead as she is a faster cyclist. I grabbed my bike and ran out of the transition area, mounting as I wished another cycling a good ride.

The bike portion was 3 loops on flat course around the local area. Scenery wise it was lacking, but it gave me ample opportunity to check out all the outfits of the cyclists who gracefully passed me by. Soon the course was emptying as I realized more and more people were onto the run. Not bothered, I savored the moment - ecstatic that I was doing my first tri only 6 months after having taken up jogging, and soon - I was done with my three laps.

Heading into the transition area, I reached the dismount area. As soon as my first foot made contact with the ground, my leg forgot the feeling of solid ground and quickly gave out. Whoops! Down I went, without grace, but - somehow - able to brace myself and I didn’t get injured. At my transition area, I racked my bike, grabbed some water and some GU and took off, best friend just behind me. Into the run I felt so sluggish. I suppose it was in part to the fact that, according to my best friend, I blasted out of the transition. What can I say?! I was AMPED! Unfortunately the energy was not sustainable for more than 1/2 a mile (if!) and we resorted to a run-walk approach for the remainder of the 5k. We finished though and, in the end, we crossed the finish line with much happiness and joy. Still waiting for the official times to be released, but I will share when it gets posted.


Doing a triathlon is one of my goals ... but I have to overcome this plantar fascitis in my foot before I can even begin to train for that.

Last year, Cheng entered one locally and surprised herself by finishing first in her age class (she's 61). She didn't even know she'd won a trophy until three weeks later when they contacted her to come pick it up ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hi all! So, I agree with WB - let the weight fall where it may. You know you are exercising and trying to eat better. Have a pizza day every now and again - just remember how to get back to healthy eating. My husband's been reading a book about procrastination and one of the best tidbits was that, if you fall off (diet, project, exercise, whatever), you just start again the next day. That projects, diets, etc. are full of new beginnings. Don't beat yourself up about it.

On a different note. Sunday was the triathlon. Here's my report:

Congratulations for completing your first tri!!
Same thing happened to me ... all the weight I lost two years ago crept right back up. My trainer said it's common if you keep doing the same exercises over and over, because your body adapts to those exercises. That's why he's changing my workout routine every few weeks, and having me concentrate on three or four different workouts over the course of a week ... each one focusing on different muscle groups.

Sounds complicated, but it isn't really ... might be worth your while, Jenny, to consider getting a personal trainer to help you set up a program that works for you.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

That's one of the reasons I've chosen to do lite-CrossFit type routines, and then add in any other tangents I want to go on. No week is ever the same for me and it keeps my mind from getting bored with it, and my body can't adapt and has no idea what the hell is going on.... but then again, when have I ever known what the hell is going on. :idk:

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