2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Looks like Sunday could get ... :shocked:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Got a new short climbing rope to play with. Not much height in the basement, but I wrapped it around the pullup bar and it's suitable for "pulling"me off the floor if I'm inclined back or sitting down and want to pull myself into a standing position.

500m Row 2:34
Rope Pulls/Climbs 5

Skills Mastery Workout:
KB Press
25# x 5 per side, 60 second rest
25# x 5 per side

KB Windmills
25# x 3 per side, 60 second rest
25# x 3 per side

KB 1/2 Renegade Row
25# x 5 per side, 60 second rest
25# x 5 per side

Circuit Workout:
2 Rounds
3 KB Press, Left 25#
3 KB Press, Right 25#
1 KB Windmill, Left 25#
1 KB Windmill, Right 25#
3 KB 1/2 Renegade Row, Left 25#
3 KB 1/2 Renegade Row, Right 25#
60 second rest
Circuit Time: 3:19
Looks like fun.. NOT!!!!
edit: the above is in response to Kathy's swell report.. not Bob's post! LOL

wii fit plus tonight for an hour. Really tried to push every exercise and get the most out of it possible. Tomorrow, running.
Kettlebell Challenge: Week 1 Day 4

"Tabata" rowing intervals at low to medium intensity.
8 intervals of 20 second rowing / 10 seconds rest.
1053 meters

Circuit 1 (4 Rounds)
35# KB Push Press, x 5 per side
35# KB High Pull, x 8
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
3 minutes rest between Circuits

Circuit 2 (3 Rounds)
25# Turkish Getup, x2 per side
50# KB Swings, x8
Rest 60 seconds between rounds​
Tonights run was fantastic!
Instead of the 2:1 run:walk ratio, I decided to do 3:1, 5 reps. But then I looked at the time and decided to do one more, and I think I did 4:1 cause I wasn't paying attention. LOL. Wanted to do 5000 steps and ended at 5646! Felt great, took till rep 3 to really get in the groove. Could have done more, but we are biking the Shark Valley trail tomorrow at Everglades National Park. It's 15 mi R/T, and it should be easy. Got kids going with us, and I am sure the pace will be leisurely.

Good luck Sarita on the Tri!!!
That's awesome Jenny! Yeah for great little surprises, no!?! Well, tomorrow is the tri and I am feeling pretty pumped. Last night I went to pick up my packet and got really nervous checking out all the collegiate triathletes that are doing it as it is a university tri sponsored event). But then I saw some older 'peeps' and started to feel good. No doubt that my wave will have fewer women in it, but I am looking forward to it.

Best friend and I went for an easy 35 minute ride this morning just to get the legs moving as we haven't done anything since Wednesday. I had taken my front tire off to clean out something which was making my front brake sound horrible (ended up being glass). During the ride I felt REALLY sluggish which was, for obvious reasons, really concerning me. Came to find out that I hadn't readjusted the brake properly when I put the wheel back on, so ... with that fixed I felt muchhhhh better. Ah!

So, tonight I am going to set up my transition area in the front room of the house and then pack my bag. We are off at 6:20 a.m. tomorrow as the transition area opens at 7:00 a.m. Going to be fun .. i hope. :) Keep me in your thoughts tomorrow at 9:30 AM/PST (12:30 PM/EST) when my wave starts!
Looking forward to the trip report!! Good luck!

The bike ride was really nice today. Overcast, slightly cooler temps let to a leisurely ride. Hunter, age 6 made it almost two miles before he had enough. Those training wheels are like brakes! Him and his dad turned around and the rest of us continued on to the observation tower. The way back, with the wind at our back, our group really spread out. Hermit Crab and her friend were way out in front and I tried to catch them. Just as I got close, they stopped to photograph some Roseate Spoonbills. I waited behind for the rest to catch up, then started off again, by myself. I cranked up the gears and went for it! What a great work out! Hermit Crab did beat me. At mile 14 I didn't see her, and at 15 I would have passed her, but ran out of road to ride.
Only 103 alligators today, down from last years 148. Lots more birds though.

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