2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I wanted to see what kind of benefit I can gain from following Coach Izzy's 5 week Kettlebell Workout, so I decided today was a good day to start.

250m Row x 4 with 30 second rest intervals
Kettlebell Windmills 10#, 3/side

Skills Mastery Workout:
KB Swings
35# x 10, 60 second rest
50# x 10

KB Press
25# x 5 per side, 60 second rest
25# x 5 per side

KB 1/2 Renegade Row
25# x 5 per side, 60 second rest
25# x 5 per side

Circuit Workout:
2 Rounds
6 KB Swings 50#
3 KB Press, Left 25#
3 KB Press, Right 25#
3 KB 1/2 Renegade Row, Left 25#
3 KB 1/2 Renegade Row, Right 25#
90 second rest
Circuit Time: 2:50

Since I've not focused exclusively on kettlebell workouts before, I didn't add anything else into the workout scheme at this time, but I may continue to "grease the grooves" on other exercises like Pullups and Olympic Lifts as I go along.
I will be interested in hearing your progress WB!

Tuesday 2/23 - Cycling class. 55 minute class + 5 minutes of stretching and cool down. Nice class with lots of lonnnnnggg inclines. Last 'big' exercise before the tri. Tomorrow I will be doing a 20 minute run and then nothing til Saturday then Sunday is the big day. T-5 days .... getting nervous.
I will be interested in hearing your progress WB!

Tuesday 2/23 - Cycling class. 55 minute class + 5 minutes of stretching and cool down. Nice class with lots of lonnnnnggg inclines. Last 'big' exercise before the tri. Tomorrow I will be doing a 20 minute run and then nothing til Saturday then Sunday is the big day. T-5 days .... getting nervous.

I'll keep ya posted!

Good luck on your final week reaching your peak for the Tri!!
Ditto that! Good luck on the race! Some day, I hope to do a mini Tri...
Week 1 Day 2 of Coach Izzy’s 5 week Kettlebell Workout

1000m Row 4:15 (it was a warmup, but still one of my fastest 1K Row time)

Skills Mastery Workout:
KB Push Press 50#
6/side x 10 x 3, 60 second rest between sets

KB High Pull 50#
10 x 3, 60 second rest between sets

KB Turkish Getup 25#

KB Windmill 25#

Intensity Workout: Ball Slams
60 seconds, as many reps as possible
45 slams using 14# ball

Got a couple of new fitness items delivered today from my favorite online fitness candy store, Rogue Fitness in Columbus, OH…love that they have so many “made in the USA” products . Anyway, got a 14# Medicine ball used for ball slams on the floor, and a 12# Medicine ball used for “Wall balls” and thrown at a target 10-15 ft high (or back and forth with a partner). The ball I got for the ball slams was the wrong diameter. I meant to get an 8-9″, but got a 14″ instead. I used it anyway in the workout tonight. It should be fine, just not able to throw it at the higher velocity, but it may not matter much for an old slow guy like me… LOL

Tomorrow I have to drive up to Northern Ohio to travel around on sales calls with the sales person in that territory. I was going to take a KB with me, but I have a feeling after the ball slams I might need a rest day before continuing… LOL
Thanks all! I am looking forward to the tri but still a bit nervous.

Wednesday 2/24 - Short, 22 minute run with a 5 minute warm up and 3 minute cool down. No more running until Sunday.
Good luck! I'll be rootin' for ya from the east coast!!

Yoga last night. It was intense. slow movements, crazy stretches. awwwhhh it felt good!
Tonight was zumba. Not as intense as last week. Last week we only had 3 water breaks, this week, 5. Also didn't do the double times, just single times. This white girl can't dance! LOL Got no rhythm!
Took a gentle walk but fighting the Flu ;-( Deffinately the wrong week for this.
Kathy... hope you get well soon!


After a big dinner and couple of beers on the road, I didn't want to interrupt my rest day with too much exercise, but boredom at the keyboard prompted me to improvise some Calisthenics in the hotel room.

1 Minute per exercise (Max reps)
Walking Lunges length of room, 24
Incline Pushups, 17
Situps, 30

Not much, but it beat typing or staring at the TV all evening.
Feeling better :)!

Class is on, fingers crossed that this swell model is lying or it could be an interesting weekend:


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