2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Whoo hoo what a workout!!!
This morning instead of heading for the computer, I headed to the park with the pups. Again did the run:walk 3:1. 45 min, 5843 steps. Took it nice n slow. This same workout on Friday was 6 min faster! Good maintenance. Good to get out. Now time to get in the shower and get to church. Time to praise God for his wonders!!!
I don't usually eat pizza, but had a hankering for a Supreme pizza last night, then finished it off today. Despite waiting a few hours before working out, even the warmup rowing was causing some real nasty tasting reflux. I decided to keep the workout lite and just piddled around instead.

Rowing 250m x 4
Power Snatch 35#
Power Clean 95#
Front Squat 95#
Chinups (Green Band)
Rope Climbs (modified)

Tomorrow begins Week 2 of the 5 week Kettlebell Challenge.
Best scuba class ever! Too bad the last day is delayed due to swell ;-(.
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Bob, I understand about the pizza.. sometimes, you just have to give in and move on....

After running Friday night and biking on Saturday, I got on the wii fit and it admonished me for gaining 4 lbs!!! Sheesh, the more I work out, the more I gain! What's wrong with this pic? Sunday, I worked out again and painted the afternoon away, yet only lost 1.5 of the 4 I gained. This is frustrating!
Bob, I understand about the pizza.. sometimes, you just have to give in and move on....

After running Friday night and biking on Saturday, I got on the wii fit and it admonished me for gaining 4 lbs!!! Sheesh, the more I work out, the more I gain! What's wrong with this pic? Sunday, I worked out again and painted the afternoon away, yet only lost 1.5 of the 4 I gained. This is frustrating!

Seems that people work up an appetite when exercising and sometimes eat more than they realize... not saying that is what you're doing... but it's common.... just can't burn it off as fast as it can be consumed. I tend to keep my hunger under control by making sure I eat a modest amount of high quality fats (e.g. cashews, sunflower seeds) with each snack/meal. Keeps the body satisfied longer and allows me to go without wanting to eat a cow before the next meal.
Best scuba class ever! Too bad the last day is delayed due to swell ;-(.

Seems that people work up an appetite when exercising and sometimes eat more than they realize... not saying that is what you're doing... but it's common.... just can't burn it off as fast as it can be consumed. I tend to keep my hunger under control by making sure I eat a modest amount of high quality fats (e.g. cashews, sunflower seeds) with each snack/meal. Keeps the body satisfied longer and allows me to go without wanting to eat a cow before the next meal.

Boy howdy! I am ravenous after working out ... seems like I want to eat everything in sight! So I try to make sure I can only see stuff that's not going to make me too fat ... fruit, nuts, a hardboiled egg or two ... stuff like that.

I'm losing weight ... but slowly.

Took the week-end off and went diving ... it's the first time I've skipped two days in a row at the gym since I joined. Got back to it this morning with a 1.5 hour workout ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Kinda gives new meaning to a swell class ... :eyebrow:

Doesn't look too bad behind you ... is that the Breakwater?... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Hi Bob!

BW was mellow on Saturday with a very slight surge & 20' vis - quite nice.

but by Sunday we had 10' surge & 4' vis, not so good for skills :shakehead: so no reason to get wet.

Craved terrestrial activity after the weekend so yesterday did a nice hike at Lobos along the dramatic Pacific coast after all the course work was over, then headed out for an hour long mellow mtn bike ride today.

Hit the gym tonight:


2 exercises 4 sets 10-12 reps

3 exercises 4 sets 10-12 reps

3 exercises 4 sets 10-12
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I'm losing weight ...

Took the week-end off and went diving ... it's the first time I've skipped two days in a row at the gym since I joined. Got back to it this morning with a 1.5 hour workout ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Great to hear you are getting in shape! Fun diving I hope?!

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