2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Congrats Sarita! Awesome! I understand that feeling of looking at fitter, trimmer, younger athletes and wondering why the heck I am there.. very much the same way for the 1/2 marathon. but you stuck with it and finished! Awesome!!!
Kettlebell Skills Development:
15# Turkish Getup (TGU), 3/side x 3, 60 second rest between sets
25# High Pulls 10 x 3, 30 second rest between sets
25# Push Press, 5/side x 3, 60 second rest between sets


20# TGU, x3/side
35# High Pull x10
35# Push Press x5/side
Time: 2:50

14# Ball Slams x 10 x 3, 30 seconds rest between sets
Time: 2:35 (including rest)

I picked up a couple of more kettlebells today (15#, 20#) to add to my collection. Now I have a 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50. This gives me better fine tuning in the lower weight range and Penny is happier that she'll have something to work with instead of jumping from 10# to 25#. I was hoping to get a 70# for KB Swings, but they didn't have anything bigger than the 50# I already had, but it will work for now.
Congrats on the Tri Sarita! What an accomplishment! When are you going to take a break and do a few local dives :)!

I decided to stop obsessing over the weight thing and just concentrate on getting more fit. I weigh myself once a month ... same time as I take the body fat measurement.... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Sounds like a great idea to me :). Anyway, fitness is more of a lifestyle than a specific goal than can be accomplished then forgot.

Today I joined a scuba friend in the rock climbing gym.

Played like a monkey up and down the climbing walls for 1.5 hours pulling on little holds & caught quite a pump! That deffinately counts for back/bi/forearms!
Today I joined a scuba friend in the rock climbing gym.

Played like a monkey up and down the climbing walls for 1.5 hours pulling on little holds & caught quite a pump! That deffinately counts for back/bi/forearms!

Don't overdo it, or we'll be calling you "Popeye" ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Getting ready for Port Hardy. Cheng upgraded her photo setup to include a strobe (YS27DX) and I was helping her learn how to use it.

We leave Friday for PH ... will be incognito for a week or so, as they have no internet service up there (not that there'd be time to use it anyway).
... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Have Fun! Looking forward to the pictures :)!

Don't overdo it, or we'll be calling you "Popeye" ... :D ... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Row 250m x 3

3 Rounds

KB Windmill 3/side, 15#, 20#, 25#
KB 1/2 Renegade Row 4/side, 25#
15 seconds between rounds

Straight Sets
35# KB Shoulder Press 4/side x 2 with a 2 second hold at the top

50# KB Swings x 2
Zumba kicked my butt!! New instructor and it was almost comical watching a bunch of white girls trying to dance latino! No.. it was sad... my body just doesn't move like that.... maybe some day, but not today! :rofl3:
An insightful comment from Coach Izzy at Next Step Conditioning Systems regarding fitness gains:

How long will the results last?
Unfortunately most people tend to think of results in linear terms, that is, they feel they can progressively climb to a level, and then keep doing the same work to “maintain”. As many frustrated fitness enthusiasts can attest, the human body does not work in that fashion. To address the question directly, your results will last as long as the stimulus is novel but not overwhelming to your body. Add the optimal factors like sleep, nutrition, and stress management and unless they are well addressed, your results will suffer. Maintaining requires renewing.
Always make sure to change your exercise strategically.
3/3 pumped out 30 minutes on the Eliptical - really want to step it up with cardio for diving :).

Our last day of Fundies has been rescheduled for this Sunday, swell permitting! This time we only have 1 instructor instead of 3 & doc is the video guy :)! Ahhhh, maybe a bit more relaxing!

Fingers crossed for good conditions!
Elliptical's a great workout ... I also did a 30-minute workout on one this morning. Pushed it harder than ever, clocking a 400-calorie burn. When I started doing this a few weeks ago I could barely push it to 250 on a 30-minute schedule.

After tomorrow morning's workout I'll be heading out on vacation ... will miss my workouts for 8 days before getting back to the gym. Gonna have to find something up there besides diving to burn calories ... I'm sure John's going to be feeding us real well between dives.

Best of luck with the class, Kathy. Give Doc my regards when you see him ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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